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this hex art in the sketchbook and the complete final art.

Hexalege is currently 30%OFF as part of the Gm's Day event of DrivethruRPG.

#hexalege #ttrpg #hexcrawl #MastoArt #cartography #mountains

On the floor of the Mediterranean sea, there's a bed of clonal sea grass which may be up to 200,000 years old. It spans an area around 16 km wide. Called Posidonia oceanica, it's the oldest complex organism in the world.

I love crypto research that demonstrates practical attacks. The paper `A Vulnerability in Implementations of SHA-3, SHAKE, EdDSA, and Other NIST-Approved Algorithm` by Nicky Mouha and Christopher Celi demonstrates RCE (!) through controlled memory corruption in the final-round update of the Keccak code used by SHA-3. This implementation bug affected Python, PHP, and the SHA-3 Ruby package:

Bonus points for dropping a Metasploit reverse TCP payload!

Torn between "really smart logo" and "trying too hard to be minimalist, it's cringe".

Okay, I am sorry to quote myself but this a topic I've picked over and embodied for years, both personally and professionally.

When I shot off a bird thread about it in the grocery store parking lot in October of 2021, it resonated with a lot of people so I'm going to reproduce my words here, where there may be a different or more nuanced discussion about it.

Here goes: getting older does not make people conservative, that's a myth made by conservatives. (1/5)

Hello out there. It's my first post on Mastodon and I have no idea if anyone can see it!

I started a newsletter.. here's the first issue.

#dynamicreteaming #softwaredevelopment #agile #change #transformation

it's called a man page because it won't shut up about stuff you already know and doesn't actually have the answer to your question

I know some of you think it's cute to act like, "I am from Mars and know nothing of humans. Please explain racism to me."

But I'm not in the 99th percentile of white people on this subject and you pretending to be dumb just makes you look like an ass.

I literally just paid attention, listened to other people, and read about it in my spare time.

I cared enough to learn. So can you. And even if you lived in a bubble your entire life where it somehow never came up, that's on you, seriously.

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Here is today's shameless #selfpromotion post because I'm #disabled and groceries are fuckin' #expensive. :hearthands:

Do you like stickers? Do you like supporting marginalized creators? Great! For $5 a month you can get a fresh batch of stickers in your mailbox!

These stickers are just a few examples, but you'll definitely love them if you're #queer #chronicallyill #polyamorous #nerdy and/or #kinky!

Patreon Link is in my Bio. 💙🤙🌈 #mastoart

Truly, a horrendous, yet inspiring video. A PoW declares, 'Glory to Ukraine' in defiance, and then Russian 'mobiks' execute him with kalashnikovs.

From "Hockey Tactics 2023 - The Playbook" by Jack Han, but clearly applicable to far more domains than sports:

Make no mistake: History has already taught us in plain terms where this is headed if we do not collectively stop it in its tracks right now.

I am not an alarmist. I am historically literate, and we must all be in the face of this attack.

забирайте, кому треба: функції читання позиції текстового курсора в консолі, чистий #bash (без tput). кажіть, якщо знаєте, як це зробити краще/швидше.

p.s. підказку знайшов тут:


"Would the member of staff please attend the spirits isle?" the announcement boomed across the mall. A shaman in the parking lot sighed and got to work.


The toot-fic.

тут є такі люди, хто хоче навчитися програмувати, слідкуючи за проєктом на #bash? просто зараз розважаюся, пишучи простеньку програму для тренування швидкодруку, на #bash, — вагаючи, чи варто з цього робити допис-tutorial до щоденника (і відволікатися від власне коду)… якщо зважуся, то це буде простий, але справжній проєкт: не один рядок, а справжній шаблон, функції тощо, плюс базове застосування git…


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