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TBH, this seems worse than having the road blocked by climate activists for a few minutes.

So for over a week now Elon Musk's circle of friends have been going on and on insisting that Bob Lee's killer was obviously an unhoused individual and blaming the city for not jailing more people.

Now, it turns out that the guy who killed him was another tech exec who knew him, and they were originally in a car together.

A virus is making people forget 80s rock bands

Nobody knows The Cure

At least something good happened today.

Thanks to everyone who donated.

I had a problem that sometimes I've deployed staging environments with placeholder keys while deploying stuff.

My colleague Olexandr has figured out a way to make sure it never happens.

I can't believe it.

I absolutely can't believe it.

I have no words.

@NPR quit Twitter because of Melon Usk's antics. Follow them here on #Mastodon instead.


Our admission of the massacre is proof that France & Britain should have taken Stalin’s deal to let him occupy all of Poland so he could have more than half of the country to commit crimes against humanity in.

Who can explain why NATO is so popular with our former colonies?

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This was *before* Nazi invasion of USSR while we were still allies with the Nazis, coordinating with Gestapo, signing more treaties but also protecting Poles from Nazis by killing them.

Trolls have genuinely claimed to Prez the CIA tricked us into admitting it was us

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OTD in 1990 Soviet Union admitted that Soviet Union carried out Katyn massacre. These are Soviet documents with Stalin personally approving the murder of 22,000 Poles.

We blame(d) it on the Nazis. We lie(d).

Imagine us committing attrocities today & blaming it on Nazis...

As a major lawsuit is threatening @internetarchive we want to highlight the valuable work they do to ensure universal and free access to information. From 'controlled digital lending' to preserving banned and rare books, learn more here:
📚 Join us in solidarity to defend the internet archive. #DigitalRightsForLibraries

AI-as-a-weapon is a more urgent problem than AI-as-a-hypothetical-agent. I hope our leaders are not distracted by speculative and irrelevant conversations like the one between Eliezer Yudkowsky and Yann LeCun.


I need a person for a short contract.

1. Fix home-manager (python deprecation made it impossible to install, which is a huge roadblock for my team)
2. Make single user nix installer with flakes enabled, which also installs home-manager and direnv. A shell script will suffice.
3. Make a VM installer for mac os that spins up a LTS virtual machine and runs (2) in it, as well as provisions ssh connectivity. Effectively creating a , just for .

Comrades...folks...I wish I was joking. But today I found out that Russian mobilized are LITERALLY being SOLD OFF to Wagner group to be used as cannon fodder in their meat assaults. Because Russian officers want money, Prigozhin wants success. Serfdom 2.0!

The latest video of war crimes is worse than anything I have ever seen in my life.

They are worse than animals. Worse than serial killers.

Death to occupants.

Seaweeds are not plants. They’re algae, without roots or leaves, although they do photosynthesize: harvesting the sun’s energy to build themselves. BUT there are a small number of real flowering plants in the sea: the seagrasses, which evolved from terrestrial plants and grow in large meadows.  Mostly water moves pollen around, but for at least one species, small crustaceans do the job of bees and carry sticky pollen from one plant to another.  Underwater gardening, anyone?  #Ocean #Seagrass

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