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Please boost this toot. Drones in the current infrantry warfare are disposable and also *extremely* important.

We have a good supply network for this brigade, so we'll be able to send stuff directly to the frontline very and very swiftly.

But we need urgency, because the guys are already getting shipped to and the previous stock of drones some of you may have contributed is not going to last them much more than a week.


Everyone, my good friend is moving out to defend shortly and they urgently need to buy drones.

They are skilled and have battle expertise, but they don't have enough hardware.

Please-please-please, help with any amount you can.

Eyes in the skies help save lives!

=== PAYPAL ===


==== BANK ===

Currency: USD
IBAN: UA823220010000026207303041597
Currency: EUR
IBAN: UA343220010000026205303017891
Receiver: BEREZOVSKYI HLIB, 01001, Ukraine, c. Kyiv, st. Yelyzavety Chavdar, build. 34, fl. 496


=== SEND FROM ===
Monobank: 5375414122610479
Privatbank: 4149499373472214

Today on Between Two Cairns, @bradkerr and I review Sepulchre of Dusk by Cutter Mountain Simulations, and answer A LOT of mailbag questions.

@savvycal is not on yet, but please consider using it for your scheduling. It's basically @calendly on steroids.

Muted voices and tears in all of our eyes.

"This one is for Craig".


I think I want to build an alternative to pg_regress for my testing needs.

* structured input/output: perhaps, YAML (may have found a good use case for it at last?)
* optional testing for binary encoding
* output value re-use (through YAML anchoring?)
* parameterized test instantiation

New blog post by the #Erlang team: "More Optimizations in the Compiler and JIT" (in OTP 26)

How to find domain boundaries? What are the best heuristics for finding subdomains?

1. Align with process/journey steps

2. Centralize common concepts

3. Establish semantic boundaries (the inverse of 2)

4. Subdomain roles

For deeper explanations, examples, and more heuristics, check out my book Architecture Modernization (

#dddesign #swarch #modernization #architecturemodernization

"The Stainless Steel Sings Blues" is a book that absolutely dismantles petersonian redpill bullshit (and also has a Jar-Jar Binks). Before peterson could count 2+2=5, no less.

I was reading good stuff as a kid.

"There is no such thing as gravity wave"
H. Harrison was wrong! Very cute to find such occurrences in sci-fi. More on that:

Let alone the fact that we, regular people, help those who lost homes due to war just as we would hope people would help us. So it's absolutely safe to come to the West as a refugee, no matter the age. But I gave up on explaining this to russians.

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They don't understand that in the Western countries there is a way to actually get refugee support. So strange. A nation of slav•s.

The final prerelease of Functional Programming in Lean is out! If you have time, I'd really appreciate any feedback you can provide on the final chapter before my deadline at the end of the month. But even more, I hope that you find it valuable and enjoyable :-)

Reading , has a chunky reference to and mentions @ntcoding and his book.

It still feels quite surreal to have found about DDD while looking up my own hunch that building software is a complex, adaptive sociotechnical system building another complex, adaptive sociotechnical system.

I'm glad that this is a developed school of thought already.

I had a dig around in the 2.67TB of training data released by the RedPajama project (without actually downloading more than a few hundred MBs of it) - here's what I've found out so far

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