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⚠️🇺🇦Rescue efforts underway after Russian missile hits civilian apartment block in Uman, Ukraine (Kanal13 - Azeri News in English VIDEO) #Ukraine #Azerbaijan #NATO #Press #News #Invasion #Russia #9yearsOfWarInUkraine #WantedDeadOrAlive

Jul 7th is the . If you want to participate with one of the top teams which is not without its quirks, give a chance.

Ping me if you want to participate with us.

cc @minoru

As an aside, let me add that ethnic cleansing is as American as pie. I strongly recommend everyone read Loewen's "Sundown Towns", which carefully documents a hidden era of ethnic cleansing across America. And looks at how the cultural traditions linger. I think it's essential for understanding the age we're in, the second Nadir.

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Reading about #bluesky, it's impressive to me how little Jack has learned.

As somebody who (briefly) worked at Twitter on anti-abuse, the place is a goldmine of lessons on fucked-up behavior. And the CEO comes out of the cryptocurrency space, which also has a rich history of garbage people run wild.

But instead of something that applies any of that, they have apparently produced the same sort of tired neoliberal marketplace-of-ideas horseshit product that Twitter was to start.

(a thread)

The safest thing to be during a Russian missile barrage is a military target.

War, propaganda 

Remember, isn't your friend. His people are now giving platform to "vagner group".

Yup, this is real.

And this is the first story of their "news programme".

Thanks to , we get to learn about the new lows of navalny people.

Every time russians destroy civilian infrastructure and kill people, everyone's determination to avenge the dead grows. If you didn't denounce russia by Bucha revelations, you are my personal enemy and enemy of my friends across the world. Watch your back.


I'm glad that I'm not the only person who called the founder of out for bigotry.

RT @lesiavasylenko
#putin launches 23 missiles on #Ukraine tonight, and @Pernod_Ricard decides to re-launch sales of @jamesonwhiskey to #russia. Guess #kremlin needs more money to kill more Ukrainians 🤷‍♀️ @GarretAhearn thank you for raising this issue in #Ireland


Remember to take what russians say and do with a grain of salt, even when they look OK at a glance.

The stories of, and @drq personally are a good example of self-proclaimed "good russians" being imperialist xenopohbes.

Yesterday, Jonathan Brouwer defended his master thesis on implementing dependently typed languages in the Spoofax language workbench. You can find the pdf at

I was really pleasantly surprised at the nice things that modern language workbench technology has on offer, and would definitely consider it when prototyping a new language. The main drawback is the limited control over how implicit arguments are solved, but since a prototype will often not even have implicits, even a basic unifier is nice to have.

One thing I'm still missing is a way to export the specification of the type system to a proof assistant so I can prove things about it. Perhaps Statix2Agda would be a nice topic for another master thesis?

white people i am begging you to recognize that emotional blankness/neutrality is not a positive attribute but the fact that you value it is a sign of how your society has been engineered to divorce you of your humanity

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