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Was taking a shower, thinking about my art and tech project ideas for which I'd rather have a team, thinking about the heroic efforts of @spacekookie with their projects *while* getting funding while coping with an immense amounts of bureaucracy. (BTW, give them your money! [1] HAS TO GET ADOPTED!).

I think that in a society with guaranteed basic income or in a self-sovereign, self-sufficient commune we (collectively) could have achieved so much more. Our time here is finite, why do we need to have such a shit baseline for existence?

The aren't ironic questions, perhaps some fan will answer with some meta-analysis or something. I'm especially interested in hearing from people who understand how decision-making is organised in existing -congruent countries like , and . How come your governments didn't establish universal income yet? Is it considered? What are the actual drawbacks?


I was thinking about XML, toml and JSON and I realised that they should be small. As long as they are small, they are readable and comprehensible.

Interestingly, XML scales a little bit better because it reminds you of the context when the context ends.

I really like some systems that incorporate inlining the code into their configs, but I'd prefer for it to go the other way — have configs in code.

The way and handle configuration is almost perfect.

You kinda have to have a schedule if you live in Croatia. But also I feel pressured to work late because during work day I have to go to a shop. If I won't, it will be closed.

I remember I've adjusted to this lifestyle, but after being out of country for five years, it feels surreal again.

So apparently that was 6th longest game in the history of the sport. I need to look up the stats now.

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U wot mate? That's quite a number of overtimes. The most I've ever seen.

Please contribute to project. Their sponsor has pulled out and this absolutely has to happen.

Please set up a password manager, and ask your elders to do the same. 

good morning, #montreal! heading out to the old port for #northsec2023 — this is going to be my first, and i'm quite excited.

p.s. also, it's #ukrainian #vyshyvanka day, no way i'm missing it!

Architecture means understanding constraints and build something that fits.
If constraints change, the architecture has to change, too.
Architecture for getting something out quickly is different from one for cost saving.

Welsh photographer Aled Lewis entered this in a UK landscape photography competition, a photo of Tryfan.

It is staggeringly good

Vast majority the bigots and chauvinists turn out to be what they denounce. Weak crybabies, decisively and demonstrably unfit for life in a society.

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It's a bit hilarious how jaded these douchebags are. I have observed a similar situation where a bunch of people in a community I was, have pushed back against bigotry, but nobody was even forcing the bigots out. They cried and whined and slammed the door in their way out.

They ended making their own community with just three people, talking about how "woke bastards have done them nasty" in a spiteful and revanchist tone.


Or rather, you do not need Turing-completeness to write programs. This may sound as a nonsensical misnomer that goes against everything you have learnt as a programmer in the span of your career, but you really do not.

First of all, what does it mean for a computer system -- or in our case, a programming language -- to be Turing-complete? Wikipedia states that a Turing-complete system is the one that can simulate a Turing machine. Which is probably the most circular definition you can come up with. Let's forget about this and discuss the qualities of Turing machines.

Arguably, the most important quality of this kind of systems is the dreaded halting problem, so I prefer to define Turing-completeness through it. A Turing-complete system is the one that, given it's current state (both code and available data, though this doesn't always apply), is impossible to predict whether it will halt or will continue executing forever.

But this isn't a requirement for the vast majority of algorithms. For the vast majority of programs, the failure to halt is undesirable either in general or in the major parts of their code. Generally speaking, in any given program, the only part that requires Turing-completeness is the implementation of the event loop. Everything else should be able to terminate eventually, given finite input, so there is no reason to enable the halting problem by default.

The downside to this approach is that Turing-incomplete systems are counterintuitively harder to design. Accidental Turing-completeness is so common, it has become a joke in and of itself. Here is a short and very incomplete list of accidentally Turing-complete systems, aka systems that can be used to perform arbitrary computations and never halt:
* Python (lol)
* Magic the Gathering
* Habbo Hotel (with pool both closed and open)
* Dwarf Fortress
* printf() format string
* x86 memory management unit
* Super Mario World (
* Crabs (
* Many web services' APIs
* Your mom's ass (citation not needed)

The last two cases are also important, because exposing a Turing-complete set of commands to the outside world, which web APIs must do by definition and your mom's ass maybe only by accident, bears enormous security implications and might allow the attacker to gain control of a web service (and maybe of your mom's ass too).

Most programmers however either do not know about this problem or do not see this as a problem. In fact, lacking Turing-completeness is often seen as a flaw and it is even forcefully added even into things that DEFINITELY DO NOT need it, such as configuration files. How many times have you seen a programming language used for configuration, such as it is often the case with Lua or even JavaScript (looking at Loonix people here)? This mindset has to change. Otherwise, we will all continue to live in the world of abhorrent improperly designed software.

Gender doesn't need to be regulated.

Carbon emissions. Those need to be regulated. Guns. Holy fucking expansion, those need to be regulated. Predatory interest rates. Regulation required.

Gender does not need to be regulated.

The police just sent a friend of mine a letter which got me worried but it was a request to rate our recent engagement with them (they arrested my friend and me for protesting climate change) what stage of capitalism is this

No idea what commitment is, but I probably should print these on MPC

(And look up commitment therapy, if it means what I think it does, it may be pretty cool)

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