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Programmers only!

#EvanPoll #poll

Which of these three software designs is best?


class Noun {
/* ... */

function verb(noun) {
/* ... */

let noun = new Noun()

let result = verb(noun)


class Noun {
/* ... */
verb(noun) {
/* ... */

let noun = new Noun()

let result = noun.verb()


class Noun {
/* ... */

class Verber {
/* ... */
verb(noun) {
/* ... */

let noun = new Noun()
let verber = new Verber()

let result = verber.verb(noun)

If you can, please donate to the orgs currently urgently evacuating people in the affected parts of the 🇺🇦 Kherson region:

Don't get me wrong, she posts good stuff there... It's just that the instance is ran by a russkie chauvinist from "ne vsyo tak odnoznachno" camp.


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Hmm, TIL that my personal hero @bookwar has an account on

I don't know how to consolidate this either.

Berlusconi died! Huge congratulations to Italian people! ❤

I have no idea how to consolidate me wanting to see Facebook (past 2015) and Twitter (past 2022) in jail with the fact that all cops are bastards.

BTW, is failing with the load. The best thing you can do is also overload their moderation team by signing up and then programmatically spaming them with AI generated shit (of course, max size images are obligatory)!

I'll keep you posted if I get my account registered, which would mean that it's feasible.

Let's tank the tankies! 💪

Please don't use Lemmy :( Human rights, oppression 

Submodules are probably the ugliest piece of suck that Git has to offer. The entire idea that your repo must depend on some other repos -- which may or may not be available -- is just a recipe for failure. This is especially true when submodules are hosted by a different user or even on an entirely different git hosting, i.e. out of the top repo owner's control.

The obvious solution would be to include the submodule commits into the top repository as a kind of sub-repo, with its own history but still contained within the same .git directory. But git people are spethial beyond any measure and excel only in their arrogance.

By the way, between this and Leunuchs, I really think that Loinooos Torovaltos isn't very good at programming. Both of his famous projects are just a bunch of ugly hacks that have only become successful through sheer power of autism. It's just yet another case of writing a lot of code quickly and making it just barely work that helps him to stay ahead of the competition.

This post is inspired by me trying to reverse engineer a bunch of code from a repo that misses submodules, because those have been lost to time.

Shit the previous post makes me sound like I'm a fan. No, I'm absolutely not. And I question the moral compass of people who are past 1997!

I was amused to see "the underdog" win vs my beloved , which, I'd rather not see dominating every tournament that starts with "W" and ends with "C".

I'm truly happy for .

really derivered some memes with their strategy, but I can't hate the race itself. They were fighting each other, letting car number 5 run away with the race on softs.

22h hours in +00:00:16:xxx for Toyota was way closer than how I understand races work.

help fediverse! installed a bunch of random flatpak apps in micro os desktop, uninstalled all of them and then verified = nothing unused

started with 2+ gb free space and now down to 603. where did all the free space go? @sysrich @FlatpakApps

#linux #desktop #foss #flatpak #opensource #os #microos #opensuse #fediverse #alttext

I had a model in red plastic,
... I covered it in white primer
... and then in a pink coat
... and then I realised not everything should be pink
... so I start covering in white paint parts of the model
... then I realised I have too many layers of paint
... I started removing paint with isopropyl alcohol
... luckily the primer stayed
... I ended up with this "chipping paint" effect 🤣I will be covering this anyway but it's an interesting effect of removing a layer to see undercoat paint

Went 0-5 in today playing as soviets wearing the "Burning kremlin Festival" T-shirt. I think my units hated me?

Also, for the second time in the campaign, I find that friendly fire, if possible, could be a viable option for soviet side. It's not intended by game designers, but so damn immersive :D Russkie warfare.

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