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Just bought a typewriter.

You can tell it's old because it's got neofetch on it.

Asking about open jobs 

I am truly grateful for and astonished by your response to these little paintings. 🙏🙏 Here’s some closeups: 1st one is done, 2nd I’m not sure, last 2 will get geometrics over then like the others. 😊 #painting #space #geometricart #SciFi

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I wonder how surprised will westerners be when the war extends to central Europe. 🤔

While the attack on Ukraine is 100% russia and russian fault, I think that the extension of this war shall be mostly the fault of westerners. Which would be very ironic, because the next russian expansion will happen due to, not despite of slow military support that the West is providing to Ukraine!

Today is Aaron Swartz Day:

Can we together build free Internet as he envisioned it: a thriving ecosystem for open knowledge?

And, the #internetarchive features the documentary The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

OTD in 1989 crowds of CIA sponsored fascists in pay of Soros stormed the Berlin Wall to begin an illegal, and very gay, annexation of East Germany.

If we kick Hungary out of the EU and use the money, which we are blowing up Orbans Ass, it will be enough.

#ScalaIO Hey, i'm looking for an experienced Scala dev with aspirations for mentoring, evolving practices, technical management of projects (derisked path from idea to poc/MVC/milestones, reassessment, etc)

We're, a secops tool for checking and enforcing security configurations, patch, best practices on heterogenous IT infra.

It's a 15y old Scala project, maintained with love, now mostly zio based and on the verge to switch to Scala 3. We also do elm for front, and the system team does rust and f#.

Small team (6 for dev), extremely low turnover, floss good citizens, strong and sustainable growth.

French company based on Paris with up to 90% remote, looking for a French worker based on France. Come talk to me 👋

(NDR: hum, pas sûr de pourquoi j'ai ecrit ce post en anglais)

#fediHiring #rudderio #scala #france


TOLERANCE IS A TREATY, NOT A MORAL PRECEPT. It takes two parties to enter into a treaty, and if either party breaks its terms, then by definition the other party is no longer bound by it.

You are under no obligation to tolerate the intolerant.

Remember that when you need to defend yourself. Do not self-doubt or feel remorse for being intolerant of Fascists and bigots; you are not bound to the terms of a treaty they already broke.


What are your thoughts on wearing a FFP2 with a valve (when no one else masks at all) #covid

It's not 'Economic Anxiety' it's 'Bad People'

They elected a Rapist, knowing he's a Rapist because they like that sort of thing. If you think you can be friends with people like that, then I pity you and the life you've chosen to lead.

To all the new #Fellas on Mastodon: WELCOME!

This is the mood here.⤵️

We stand.

This is not the end, it's the beginning.

And thanks to for creating this amazing 'Solidarity' graphic with my fellina, for my support to!💙💛
#ukraine #StandWithUkraine #nafo

Lai kā tur arī nebūtu ar Trampu, nākamie mēneši Ukrainai nebūs viegli. Kamēr Eiropā vēl lems par to, ko tagad darīt, mēs varam darīt jau šodien un turpināt atbalstīt ukraiņus ar saviem ziedojumiem. Ukrainas zaudējums mums pavisam noteikti nenestu neko labu. Tāpēc darām, ko varam!

I can't stress enough how much @julienmalka has contributed to adoption in .

My gratitude is infinite.

Šo grāmatu iesāku un tad uz ilgu laiku noliku malā. Tagad no rītiem pa gabaliņiem "graužos" cauri. Teksts diezgan sarežģīts, akadēmisks, vairāk kā studentu mācību grāmata. Ko esmu sapratusi - radniecība ir ļoti komplicēta sistēma, kam ir liela ekonomiskā un politiskā nozīme.

Note to USA folks, ❗trans folks especially❗.

A passport is:
- Fundamentally useful
- A federal ID
- Recognized in most state/local level contexts
- *You can change your gender marker on it through pure self ID, with nothing medical required*. "X" is an option.
- Normally 4-6 weeks to process (faster if u pay extra); that means if you apply for one this week, you easily get it before Jan 20.
- Lasts 10 years

Perhaps apply for one (or renew it, to reset yr 10 years) soon.

As they say, "All friends are together…"

🇨🇳 China reacted to the election results in USA: The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said that
Beijing hopes for further peaceful and mutually beneficial coexistence.

🇭🇺 Orban: "On the way to a wonderful victory!"

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