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Legendary heavy metal band Metallica shared a video of a performance by Taras Stoliar, a Ukrainian Defender and bandura player.

Taras performed the Nothing Else Matters song on a bandura.

Taras Stoliar is one of the members of the Cultural Forces led by Mykola Serga. Taras used to work as a member of the electronic band ONUKA, but now serves in the 112th Separate Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of Ukraine.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO

Uzrakstīju NEPLPā par parkapumu.

Bet var būt kaut kas no 'em zina kur viseffektivāk uzrakstīt par "krievu agentiem" latviešu medijos?

Ir acimredzams ka kaut materiala autors merķticīgi melo par to ka drons uz video ir ukraiņu.


Manuprāt, jāraksta par šo incedentu tāpēc ka Medūzai ir persistentā politika ievietot savos jaunumos pro-kremļa teikus.

Man ir arhivēti daži Medūzas stasti, kuriem ir tikai viens mērķis — paradīt ka "krievi nav tik traki".

folks help.

The Chinese bulk carrier Yi Peng 3 has fully stopped in the Kattegat bay. Danish patrol ship HDMS Søløven is next to it. Danish boarding parties might be on the Chinese cargo ship, which is suspected to be responsible for cutting two undersea cable in the Baltic Sea.

The skipper of the Chinese ship is a Russian national and the route leads from Ust-Luga (Russia) to Port Said (Egypt).


Hey so if you have harassment or stalking, there are about zero tools on Masto to protect you.

Mute and block only works if they stick to one account, which they don't. Mine has about 10 that I know of so far.

Instance blocking helps on occasion, but again, you can register accounts on many instances.

Can you filter words, sure.

Telling me to stay off socials is not a productive or useful answer. Thanks.

I am simply speaking up because others are experiencing prolonged and targeted harassment too and I want you to know it exists here.

Please read all the comments some are useful, many are not. 😅

Here are my links if you'd like to support my work or join my email list:

I work to protect privacy, profit & peace of mind. Need a consult?

Being stalked/harassed:

Join the email list:

Support my work:

#harassment #stalking #infosec #WomenInTech #techie #InformationSecurity

Men: Be an ally and disrupt the bro code. When you hear harassment directed at women, you can say:
- "Not funny"
- “We don’t do that here.”
- “I find that offense, and I don’t ever want to hear that again.”

Boost this toot if you're planning on sticking around Mastodon & the Fediverse whether or not it's more popular than Bluesky.

The actual outcome of this election with •the whole US population• as the denominator:

22% voted for Harris
23% voted for Trump
<1% voted for other
26% eligible but did not vote*
28% not eligible to vote

* (whether by choice or by voter suppression)

Numbers might shift a tiny bit as last votes are counted, but this is close to the final tally.

Just sit with that for one quality minute. Think about what stories people are telling about this election. Then think about what stories are true.

The stronger they are the stronger our alliance will be when the war starts. Small countries matter. Support Georgia! If not for them, then for yourself and your kids.

Germany is finally preparing for war. Intel says we have 4 years.

On the 1000th day of full-scale , I can't help but to compare invasion with kind of inverse caused by SarS-CoV-2. Ukraine is losing its strongest and most fit to what essentially is invasive species.

Let's keep working on stopping the spread of .

pub enum EventType {

What are other general events should I consider for my universal EventType ?

Is there a "Linear Algebra Done Right" but it's Statistics?

* Thing little book
* Has a perspective
* Boils down the subject but with rigor
* Medium hard and math-facing in presentation

Tomorrow will mark 1,000 days since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

On this despicable anniversary, we honour the brave Ukrainians working and fighting for a free Ukraine with the colours of its flag on our headquarters.

Our enduring friendship and solidarity are here to stay. So is our commitment to work shoulder to shoulder towards a peaceful future within our Union.

Слава Україні! Europe is with you!

#EU #StandWithUkraine

Bluesky as a supposed "safe haven" from X has to be the quintessential example of the old adage: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." And a lot of people are being fooled twice.

Tev mūžam dzīvot !

Apsveicu, , ar neatkarības proklamēšanu.

Mūsu tauta var izdarīt neiespējamo un sagūt brīvibu no jeb kādas imperijas.

Šodien, manas domas ir ar Latvijas Armijas karavīriem kuri karoja prēt krieviem mana "mazā tevzēmē" – Latgalē. Un ar mūsu Igauńu draugiem, kuri latviešiem tik daudz palidzēja neatkarības kara laikos.

Ja kaut kas zin par kaut kādus svinošanas notikumus Londonā, lūdzu par tiem pastastīt.

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