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Живут пацаньі на росії, пилят композиторьі под , а потом хуяк, електронньіе повестки, треш, угар в бараке. Кровь кишки распидорасило в українском черноземе.

Despite help from friends, could not get a #38C3 ticket! Does anyone have extra, by any chance?

Pleaseee boost 💕💕💕

Why scientists say every new infection puts you at risk of getting long COVID.

"People shouldn’t be lulled into thinking that COVID will be just like a cold"

“Some people — even with mild COVID, develop long COVID”

"The illness can take hold of anyone who comes down with COVID, no matter their age, gender or overall health. It can linger for months or years. It can be relatively mild or completely disabling."


✍️ A season for reflection, not forgiveness

From Putin to Netanyahu and beyond, the rise of demagogues and corruption demands resistance, not benevolence, this holiday season

By Andy Brown

We were honored to welcome the President of #Latvia at the MikroTik HQ today. Thank you for taking the time to explore our work and see how Latvian innovation is making an impact globally. 🇱🇻

Paldies par mums veltīto laiku,

@BohemianPeasant And, if the moderators don’t do anything after a while, maybe escalate to an instance block.

You’re not the only one to notice this.

If you don’t mind sharing — what is your reason for supporting #Ukraine 🇺🇦?

For me — living in #Latvia (one of the three #Baltic countries) — there are several. (1/7)


Thanks for asking!

#Portugal was a formal, brutal colonialist empire. A founding member of #NATO in 1949 while under dictatorship for decades, Portugal brought down the regime in 1974 after losing a colonial war.

As Portuguese national, I have 2 main reasons for supporting #Ukraine:

1) right the wrongs of Portugal's colonial imperialist past by supporting Ukraine in fighting against a colonial empire in the present

2) #StandWithUkraine in joining NATO+EU to be free from tyranny

The difference between my Bluesky feed and my Mastodon feed boils down to one feature: Disable Reposts

My M-feed only allows reposts of a few friends. Everyone else is disabled.

My M-feed is just people’s *OWN* thoughts. Conversely my B-feed is wall to wall reposts.

russian death camp: Three stories of Ukrainian prisoners

How Ukrainian prisoners are tortured and killed—stories from one russian detention center.

It's not just "putin's War", it is "russia's War"

This will leave a stain on russian society and politics that will remain long after putin is gone.

russia is a Terrorist State

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I managed to get a new package into #nix #nixpkgs: silx (an HDF5 viewer). The review process was a pleasure as usual, once it got started. Now I get a notification about a merge request for a new version of silx, apparently auto-generated by a bot. What's more, after testing this new version, I can just tell the bot via a comment to merge it into master.

This is the only way a huge package repository can be somewhat sustainably developed. Bravo! Do other distributions have something similar?

Today I got the chance to ask our computer graphics professor a question that I asked myself quite some time ago: what the fuck is the color pink?

Like, the color right before infrared is red, the color right before ultraviolet is violet. And every other color is some wavelength between those two colors. EXCEPT FOR PINK!?

On a hue color wheel pink is between red and violet, so it's wavelength has to be somewhere around there, right??

Well, turns out pink is the color humans perceive when red and violet are mixed (duh), meaning the red and blue cones are stimulated. Since both cones respond to wavelengths on the opposite ends of the visible spectrum, there is no monochromatic wavelength that would trigger both, hence there is no wavelength that looks pink.

That's also the reason pink does not appear in a rainbow, because there white sunlight light, a mixture of (almost, hi Astro-fedi) all monochromatic wavelengths, is refracted based on wavelength, so no mixed colors occur in it.

I spent four days learning -adjacent toolchains (of which there are four, which are doing some things that are the same and some things that are different: , , , .).

Throughout these four days I have seen at least a dozen of different error messages. Not a single error message had **anything whatsoever** to do with the error site. Reading traces helped, sometimes, but not always.

If you are a company who has excess money and you want to make the world a better place, please have your R&D department pick up , I urge you.

I ended up downgrading my whole *large* codebase to and simplifying my to:

description = "Flake for building rootrunner with standard nixpkgs Rust and OpenSSL support";

inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs";
flake-utils = {
url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }:
flake-utils.lib.eachSystem [ "x86_64-linux" ] (system:
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = with pkgs; [

devShell = self.devShells.${system}.default;

UX is such crap, it's unreal.

I love the tech, and the language is fun (funny), but it doesn't have to be like this.

I wish I had money to self-fund R&D beyond my people's work on

I would totally invest into .

If you want to help me reach my goals of bettering the industry beyond what is doing, please consider asking your executives to have a look at for their tech skill assessment needs.

The webshop is open!

I start with hand printed lino cut Holiday cards, A2 prints of a cat and a dog en Riso prints.

There is more to come, I will keep you posted…

#webshop #art #artistforhire #artist #illustration #prints #handprinted #linocut #printmaking #mastoart #fediart #holidays #Christmas #newyear

🇺🇦🚫 The possibility of inviting Ukraine to NATO worries some members of the alliance, - Le Monde.

🇺🇸USA, 🇩🇪Germany and 🇭🇺Hungary are against inviting Ukraine.

While some countries, including 🇫🇷France and 🇬🇧UK, insist on inviting Ukraine to the alliance, Biden refuses to accept this decision, and Trump "has never supported this idea."

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