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Somehow my dreams this morning included destroying the universes of _both_ Magic: the Gathering and Pokemon.

MtG through some card combination that blew all the constructs out of my deck, but I had to keep drawing, so I was drawing actual physical objects into my hand instead of cards. (I'm not claiming this makes sense. Also "constructs" is Ascension terminology, not MtG, but that's what the dream had for me.)

I don't think people claiming was fixed understand what match fixing is.

A guy named Vess once explained Bitcoin and crypto as "It's like if idling your car 24/7 occasionally produced solved Sudoku puzzles that you could then exchange for heroin."

AI is like restarting a failed nuclear reactor to produce enough energy to occasionally offer a semi-correct answer to a complex question while simultaneously being unable to identify that there are three r's in the word 'strawberry.'

Hey, EU should introduce a requirement that full technical documentation, diagnostic manuals, and assembly drawings of any electronic device be made public the moment its manufacturer stops offering service.

"FILE THIS UNDER: no shit #Sherlock!"

Top #NATO official thinks #Russian hybrid attacks could cause “substantial” damage – #Sky_News

#James_Appathurai, Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber said that the hybrid and kinetic attacks by #Russia in #NATO countries, such as the cutting of cables, are increasing in numbers – he says up to 100 such attacks happened – and eventually they can cause “substantial numbers of casualties or very substantial economic damage.”

Have i ever told you that i love 😍 the #gleamlang gleam/io debug function? You can simply add it anywhere with a pipe (|>), it prints a value to standard error (stderr) and it returns the value to be debugged. For comparison, just played around with #ocaml for a few days. It is really difficult to debug or output any value. The standard types also don't have a function like show (e.g. like in haskell), which would make things a lot easier to debug. You first have

@jonn @RiisuPutra Pirmās Latvijas 2 santimi 🙃🇱🇻 Dziļi mežā, uz aizaugušas takas, kas redzama vairs tikai LIDARā. Vienīgā monēta šodien 😆

😳🇪🇺 Telegram has started blocking Russian propaganda channels in some European countries.

❗️Right now, RIA Novosti, NTV, Rossiya 1, RT and Izvestia have been banned.

@jonn Latvijas brīvvalsts monēta.
@dzedus kur esi, ko dari?

I still use Firefox and other Mozilla products but I just got this email from Mozilla:

"We’re in the final days to reach our goal of raising $4.35 million USD from the Mozilla community. We’re close, but we’re still short."

I just want to let them know their CEO probably has $4.35 million USD since their salary a few years ago was about $7 million USD. Maybe ask them?

We have failed to close the skies above keeping them safe from the russian bombs, how about we at least close the Baltic Sea for the russian and chinese ships?

Soft launching this here before I talk about it anywhere else.

My book, "Permissionless: A Manifesto for the Future of Everything" is live. It explores how progress happens when we stop waiting for approval and start building.

You can read the full book free on the website (it was designed for it!) but if you want more, the eBook, PDF, and book notes are also available.

Marlene Dietrich also boosted the morale of Allied troops, entertaining GIs on tour with the USO. Here she is changing into heels before performing for the troops in Germany in 1945. (3/3)


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Roses are red
Violets have chloroform
I spent $44 billion to buy Twitter and yet

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