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'when we have people like Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Kemi Badenoch, and all the others in UK politics who believe in this nonsense view of growth at all costs and corporate maximization as their priority.

People should be the epicentre of their concern, but they're not.'

It’s time to talk economics

I'm fully aware that this is a total waste of my time, but given today's news about an Apple settlement relating to Siri audio recordings I wrote this blog post about why I still don't think that companies are spying on us through our phone's microphones:

That said, for development is better than some alternatives. Like sending code archives to a shared google drive for instance.

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Ok, so.

I have avoided using for development (because it's not fit for development).

Now I'm looking at how people work with it and and in case you haven't seen it, the best way I can express it is " rebuild whenever you need to do something non-trivial, except with a shitton of side-effects".

It's absolutely unfit for purpose.

probably one of the weirder microsoft support articles i've seen

"Numbers don't lie. Pastors do, but not numbers." ~ Michael J. Stern

A reminder that obnoxious, blocking cookie consent banners are not required by law but are there because tech companies had a massive tantrum at being prevented from tracking the bejesus out of you by default.. They don't need to be annoying or intrusive, companies can absolutely choose not to track, to track less, or make the consent experience easier, they choose not to 💩💩💩

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Hello, Hachyderm! If you haven't seen the system-wide announcement yet, we've increased the max toot length from 500 to 2263, so now you can enjoy posting longer form content - no more word Tetris to squeeze that last word in!

We're excited for Hachyderm's future and happy to have you as part of our community. :hachyderm:

See you in the 'verse!

It took only five days for #Ghostty to become available in #NixOS and #HomeManger! I'm trying it out as a replacement to #iterm2.

`cargo clean` just collected 77.8 GiB. 🤯

@zarfeblong There's probably an MtG card combination that does exactly this. I mean, there's an MtG card combination that gives you infinite mana if and only if the twin prime conjecture is true, so sucking physical objects into your hand, why not.

Somehow my dreams this morning included destroying the universes of _both_ Magic: the Gathering and Pokemon.

MtG through some card combination that blew all the constructs out of my deck, but I had to keep drawing, so I was drawing actual physical objects into my hand instead of cards. (I'm not claiming this makes sense. Also "constructs" is Ascension terminology, not MtG, but that's what the dream had for me.)

I don't think people claiming was fixed understand what match fixing is.

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