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If someone told me this four years ago, I would tell them that they are insane. But...

Can we *please* have have back? Our current PM acts like a traitor, after posing as the leader of free world for a couple of days.

Trump’s goal all along was to end military aid to Ukraine. That’s why he offered a “peace deal” with no security guarantees and set up that fight with President Zelenskyy knowing no sane leader would accept it.

You may ask yourself: what is their end-game? When american society is destabilised enough to succumb to total violence, they will be on every hit list.

If they stay, they will repeat chaushescu's and miloshevitch's destiny. So they have to take the Cambridge five / snowden way out.

❗️🇺🇸 Trump administration proposes to sell 443 federal properties, including Justice Department and FBI headquarters - Reuters

Latvijas politiķiem jāapzinās, ka šobrīd sabiedrībā vairs netic tam, ka ASV ir uzticams NATO partneris. Man nākas uzklausīt dažādus cilvēkus, kas nu ir pārliecināti, ka krīzes gadījumā ASV neiejauksies. Amatpersonu runas par ASV kā stratēģisko partneri šo sajūtu tikai pastiprina- #mani_novērojumi.

Yo, |ers, do we have like... An consulate or something? Let's go for a protest this weekend?

It's useless to protest by consulate, but a EU one could just send the message.


I continue to be amazed how willing so many people in the collective west are to throw the liberalism that built their wellbeing under the bus, and let their children take the brunt of what ever comes to replace it, which is likely some form of tyranny.

Yes. Liberalism is hard. It’s much harder than letting somebody else think for you.

But all this ’wokeness’ was literally the thing that kept the nazis under and not in the halls of power. Drop it and they’re back!

Question to my followers:

So you think of the PRC promised to reduce the trade deficit by 5% would #Trump the traitor negotiate for them a peace treaty with Taiwan?

If Trump decides, that Ukraine can only fight Russia using plastic swords, the objective is not to figure out how to help Ukraine win using only plastic swords.

The objective is to help Ukraine win without The United States.

Skaisti!!! No sirds apsveicu ar pirmo Oskaru Latvijas kino vēsturē. 🎉❤️✌️ Paldies par izcilo filmu un par emociju “garo asti”, kas turpina augt un priecēt. Ļoti lepojos ar Straumes komandas sasniegto - brīvs radošs gars spēj arī neticamo 👏👏👏


"In Odessa 🇺🇦 they talk about a man without a suit who met a suit without a man"

Translated from

#Ukraine #USA

As folks are looking at other browsers (due to recent issues with Firefox), the #Ladybird browser has received some positive attention. For your awareness, Andreas Kling, the lead developer of Ladybird, has engaged in transphobia and enforcing misogynistic language in documentation in SerenityOS. SerenityOS is his previous "BDFL" project.

I've also heard hints of other issues but I haven't found receipts for those so I'm leaving them alone.

Science took a major hit today, and most didn’t even notice.

The U.S. govt (or better elons cronies) shut down #PubMed, one of the most important, comprehensive, widely used, free database of biomedical and life sciences.

It provided access to millions of research articles clinical studies and reviews.

PubMed was a cornerstone of modern medical and life sciences research.

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