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Am I not a cutie?
Thanks @pola for what basically was a professional photo-shoot.

Oh wow, vodafone thinks that my 1-core 2GiB RAM mail server serves adult content.

Anyway, I can't read mail from home.

Fanks a lot, vodafone, my computer got used to your network and now I can't read my E-Mail.

sudo systemd-resolve --interface=wlp3s0 --set-dns=

thanks to this answer on stackexchange

Some day I should learn the zoo that is .

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Sweet sweet days when we used to be able to sudo vin /etc/resolv.conf

Dear Vodafone UK, fuck you!

(Also, thank you for reminding me to update DNS settings on all of my machines).

I'm really tempted to just disable all styling for hiDPI screens.

The fact that it's literally imopssible to tell iphone from a mac book with a media query is a fucking joke.

So I've added 301 instruction to the nginx configuration of the website just to be sure:

if ($request_uri ~ ^(.*/)index(?:\.html)?$) {
return 301 $1;

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What format of blog-posts would you rather read?

Testing the @plausible dashboard embed mode on my own blog. Coming to your account soon!


I've been avoiding docker for all these years waiting for it to die out, but now I have to learn docker-compose in half-an-hour to figure out how to integrate Plausible's geoip with the main docker image.

I think I can do it? :D

Is so dead it doesn't even work?

sweater@memoricide:~/plausible/hosting$ sudo apt install docker
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
docker is already the newest version (1.5-2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
sweater@memoricide:~/plausible/hosting$ sudo systemctl enable docker.service
Failed to enable unit: Unit file docker.service does not exist.

This is getting interesting! Second consecutive quarter of decline for Google Analytics! 🔻👀

Now how do we speed up this trend and make GA collapse? 🤔👂

Does anyone want to review a post about binary manipulation with and ?

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