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concerts are something I passionately miss...
Especially this one. It was absolutely insanely amazing.

Ok well anyway, test your code, kids.

Here's a screenshot of sodium.js producing the same key as server.

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We are getting places with cryptography in browser.
Can't wait to polish the second prototype and start integrating it with services, looking at OIDC compliance, etc.

Seems like I will be missing ... And perhaps even quali / race. Gotta prioritise other hobbies and socialisation.

Found this business card sized CD of #damnsmalllinux in my home office desk drawer during a cleaning. I must have bought this back in the early 2000's and have many memories of it helping me recover data from friends' crashed windows machines.

You cannot predict which post will do well and which won't.

I had doubts about this one. I felt it was too short, didn't have any insights or actionable advice.

In 3 days it got HN front page, 400 shares on Twitter, 1800+ upvotes on Reddit, many links...


Trying to figure out the best architecture of using in browser.
Sadly it seems like I can't quite write a library as a separate JS file and let people include both.
I think that for demonstration purposes I shall write inline <script> tag, but later on as I migrate to webpack / typescript, I shall use webpack or whatever there is.

What should I do next?

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revoked all my previous gpg keys, switching to ed25519/curve25519 keys stored on a yubikey5.

you can pull my new keys via:

gpg --locate-key

With . it's really easy to make and validate claims, embedded into

We're trying to prioritise for people who want to use our software (as well as, when the time shall come to make frontends, for the end users).

Can't wait for a better screen to arrive tomorrow. I got hooked on three col set ups, I'm using them even with fullhd these days.


Do you have a few dozen gigabytes of free diskspace and a machine that can seed it via #bittorrent?

You can help save an unbelievable trough of scientific knowledge from disappearing behind the elites' paywalls!

Spread the word and seed till you bleed – for the betterment of humanity!

Good morning! Time to fix some tests I broke while implementing tofu logic.

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