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@alice There’s a growing understanding that “containers” are not helping much in way of reproducibility—Docker images are generally not reproducible to begin with. Growing awareness in both “reproducible science” circles and industry, as in . I’m full of hope! :-)

Fancy a custom #Lagrange UI theme? 😎

In v1.6, UI colors can be customized via a config file.

trans issues 

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"@context": [],
"type": [],
"issuer": "did:doma:z9WvHH7JyPek1SehusPElQRTMl8UfxvP9sANUlGZ57U=",
"issuanceDate": "2021-06-16T17:15:05Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"@context": [],
"credentialSubject": {
"capacity": 10,
"holder": "did:doma:c5Cfk0Aw_SYXzIgvDO3QNumrD30E5o-Sd61n8bL4dTw=",
"kind": "invite"
"id": "/invites/0LMLz-psbFmVEc2aVr9pXShesbIxfeeg6Kc0YCVYMI0=",
"issuanceDate": "2021-06-08T09:48:15Z",
"issuer": "did:doma:c5Cfk0Aw_SYXzIgvDO3QNumrD30E5o-Sd61n8bL4dTw=",
"proof": {
"created": "2021-06-08T09:48:15Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"signature": "Tj2bekNqJyj73q64RAUW2GMSuimP4IW2kbApwTFQvVZT8oEe5fzWUO9c_UwgRohQd-0vJ1i5LECjZJyvwov-Cw==",
"type": "libsodium2021",
"verificationMethod": "did:doma:c5Cfk0Aw_SYXzIgvDO3QNumrD30E5o-Sd61n8bL4dTw="
"type": []
"proof": {
"created": "2021-06-16T17:15:05Z",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"signature": "30GoSvC2GxiIP_3Sh9Jd0ebHsDjY5Myo7MXVEpg2nEGWIpcvcomuKjIBj5vebXArZUk4rb7r7yLQOOoaUvgnBw==",
"type": "libsodium2021",
"verificationMethod": "did:doma:z9WvHH7JyPek1SehusPElQRTMl8UfxvP9sANUlGZ57U="

Wed Jun 16 16:22:06:471171601 sweater@rethink ~
λ pass doma/
"slip": {
"ops": 4,
"mem": 40960,
"saltSize": 16,
"salt": "5A7ZuPZv8yrOdbU0CTZ0mQ=="


Feels great to have password and KDF slip stored in my password manager!

Sneak peek:

@wholesomedonut do you see this as the fingerprint of too?


Holy shit, that , an obvious scam from the very beginning, is still going and boy is it going strong.

I thought that they're all in jail by now due to the attached analysis:

For those who prefer video format, here's a 2021 review by CoffeeZilla (via @pola):

It makes me sick.

Understory has a really very tasty looking website.

– "Grow your mind". "Own your data". "Link your ideas".

Looks like an experimental federated digital garden-y social platform thing, built on Solid. From the blurb, appears to aim at not needing coding to be on there.

It turns out that not idling in freenode is more impactful than idling and reminding people to switch.

Also, `/server del freenode`!

`wget` downolads documents layer by layer.

Also, , please

while true; do wget --reject-regex=".*Feminism.*|.*Collections.*|.*\?C=..*|.*index.html" -nc -r -l 6 -np '' && break; done

(`Feminism` folder is excluded because it's a symlink to ../Books/, not sure if it was some weird trolling by thetrove, but I thought they're pretty leftist, so I guess an honest mistake...)

Why buy Oculus Quest 2 (and register a phony Facebook account)?

It's a reasonably-priced USB port / cable bandwidth tester. Kappa.

It's so nice to see the marketing world embrace Plausible. Over the last few weeks, we've onboarded some of the world's leading brands. Our simple dashboard is now useful enough to be used by teams of digital analytics specialists within these large companies.

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