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So, Cruachan's poetically-named album "Blood for the Blood God" has speed and progressive metal elements. It's unexpectedly awesome.

So weird to discover that one's childhood bands still exist and record albums.

It's really weird to listen to Cruachan in London.

If anyone else needs to know, it turns out the secret is to set your terminal app to "Open with Rosetta" then build with machine type ta6osx. Thanks @ChrRasmussen for the hint! I'll update the Idris 2 README...

Show thread I _love_ fail panels and fail talks. Go follow @trevoke... Somewhere. He's great. I've somewhat recently posted a very similar take on centralisation on masto. Feels good to be in a good company. :)

I kind of don't understand framework which make you write more code, not less.


When your children ask ‘why is engineering important?’, show them this video


Hey @sejo, I made a little something for your workshop tomorrow. It's a visualizer for Uxn's 3 bitwise logic opcodes. I think that might be helpful for people who are not familiar with that stuff.

re: explaining fediverse to people

I managed to run #peertube on #OpenBSD without Nginx but only native Base software, eg #relayd and http.

I feel pretty awesome.

Dropping in favour of using a with a simple async persistence only for the things that need to be persisted made a credential verification from a 50+ms ordeal into 1-ms ordeal. x50 speedup makes me hopeful about 0.4 demo making a user account in sub-100ms, compared to sub 1.5s which 0.3 shows.

That's a special feeling to get after several evenings of a massive, paradigm-shifting refactoring.

Goodbye ! I hope I won't see you soon.

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