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#metal #tenors 

update: was 9 minutes late from the first intensive box to the chill box dedicated to breakfast and relaxed thinking / processing of rebuilt context. A bit sad, but ok. Will have an intensive 3h45' box coming up with a lot of coding!

Still, feels underachievey.

Wish me luck.

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Trying time boxing today, already a bit late in my first box, but gonna try and achieve something in it.

I made them very realistic and unambitious to not feel too bad about failure, but to still motivate me to do things in a timely manner.

#Godot4 beta 4 is out, officially this time!

There are a handful of cool new features, but most importantly hundreds of bugfixes!

The other #GodotEngine maintainers were relatively conservative with their merges while I was on holiday ;)

Updates on my FOSS projects:

- Visual editor for compound graph datasets is now much more robust. Supports undo/redo, multi-select etc:

- has migrated to the new serverless architecture. It's now a single page app with no external database, user accounts or ActivityPub support etc. Users' bookmarks will be stored in browser's localStorage. Being Javascript-only, it is easier to package for offline use and to contribute:

@jonn Well, this is almost finished now:

Haven't yet put IPFS identifiers because Libgen db isn't easy to find. But link to libgen should work and can even be packaged as a MacOS app.

Help Ukrainian mobility during winter time. This fund is due dilled and ran by a well-known activist.


SWIFT in US dollars (USD)
Serhiy Prytula Charitable Foundation

SWIFT in euros (EUR)
Serhiy Prytula Charitable Foundation

Some #Lagrange news!

As you may know, I'm currently quite busy with family duties (new baby in the house) so progress has been pretty nonexistent. However, as the current builds are getting long in the tooth, I'm working on a few updates.

I've submitted a new TestFlight build and it should be available soon if not already: 1.13 (4) ✈️

Also, a few desktop fixes are pending release. v1.13.8 will be out once I've renewed the Windows code signing cert.

Web3, slow, expensive and centralised!,

Very interesting experience with #Web3.

1⃣ Biggest Web3 promise: Decentralisation. It's false.
2⃣ Expensive: 100'000'000× more than regular cloud provider. Cost are unpredictable.
3⃣ Write ops are extremely slow.

Decided to make this wallpaper to remember my short time in the Uni, which ran Ubuntu in 2008 :)

Sacred Sumerian altars give light of hope and preserve progress 🧭

This is sorely lacking now, when electricity is constantly disappearing

There was no electricity again, so I slept. I have to catch energy, sleep when there is none, work when there is. I'm not complaining. The family understands this. They sleep, I work.

Such is the life of a Ukrainian gamedev 🇺🇦

#gamedev #indiedev #IndieGameDev #indiegame #gaming #videogames #steam #ukraine #ukrainian #ErraExordium #demo #devlog #pixelart


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> replies and conversation are worth 1000 likes.

I hope to be boosted nonetheless !

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You don't need to know how many likes/boosts a post has gotten. you don't need a notification every time someone starts following you.

And you can find all that information elsewhere if/when you want it.

Cleaning up your notifications like this will have a huge positive impact on how you interact with this site.


Borogravia's abomination appendices described in chapter two of the Monsterous Regiment is basically the same as russian foreign agent lists.

The fact that it was either inspined by nazi germany or fascist italy makes tells you everything you need to know about russia.

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