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I got one more joke from .

"The Martha Complex" is a thing from christianity about being a good host.

Episode "Martha Complex" is full of Valentine's Day party hosting related cock-ups.

Needless to say that Valentine's Day is also a christian holiday.

Jokes within jokes within jokes. The best show ever made. All five seasons of it.

Surreal. You’ve well and truly lost the debate once you start praising Neville Chamberlain’s shameful appeasement


You couldn't make it up.

Angela Merkel praises Neville Chamberlain(!) in a Spiegel interview, saying that she bought time for Ukraine by rejecting them for NATO membership at Bucharest 08 like Chamberlain bought time at Munich.


Since Jul 31st, I've contributed to or interacted with 95 codebases.

Your TypeScript errors are the compiler saying your code will crash. My TypeScript errors are my code crashing the compiler. We are not the same.

So, don't tell anybody, but we're going to announce Palm Pilot emulation in the browser at Internet Archive in the next week or so. I've still got to get descriptions in for the hundreds of apps that are uploaded, and add a few more classics. But if you want to help with that, or just let me know how it's going, ping me here.

But don't tell anybody! It's a secret!

Hey girl are you single cause you look like a point of failure to me

I want to congratulate @DarthPutinKGB on bringing his robotic army to the lands of mastodon.

They are very covert and subtle[1]... Nobody will know they're here. 🤫


YAML is the most popular language of the ML family

This is an old project, but by some miracle it's still working and I woke up this morning wanting to celebrate the things I love more.

This Inkplate e-ink screen shows Conway's Game of Life, seeded from tarpits I have on the Internet. The tarpits are programs on my computer that superficially look like insecure Telnet and Remote Desktop services, but actually exist to respond super slowly and make bots scanning the Internet 'get stuck'.

When a bot connects to the tarpit, the data it sends gets squished into a 5x5 grid and 'stamped' onto a Game of Life board. Data from a bot at the IP address 1.1.x.x will get stamped on the top left corner, data from a bot at 254.254.x.x will get stamped on the bottom right corner.

Conway's Game of Life, a set of simple rules that govern whether cells should turn on or off, updates the display once per second. The result is that bot attacks end up appearing as distinct 'creatures', that get bigger and more angry looking over time (as their centre is updated with new data). After the attack finishes, the 'creature' eventually burns itself out.

Despite that description, it's a really chill piece of art that doesn't draw too much attention but I can happily watch for a long time.

Credit for the idea goes to @_mattata, I had been wanting to make a real-life version of XKCD #350 for years before seeing his Botnet Fishbowl project.

#projects #inkplate #esp32 #eink #infosec #tarpit

Right now, I feel so angry for Scotland ( and yes - I’d be devastated to be separated from them) but I completely COMPLETELY understand why they want to be severed from this selfish inward looking country of class -obsessed materialistic philistines ( present company excepted) and from Westminster.
And yes- it looks like this 👇

My coworker Lex has written up about the ground rules for incident reviews that we've established at Honeycomb. I'm super excited about these being in a shareable format now:

#ResilienceEngineering #LFI

The flight of NASA's Artemis (purple) uses two very close encounters with the moon's gravity (green) to changes its trajectory to get back to the earth (blue.) Amazing.

More details:

#astronomy #nasa #space

I just want to put this out there: I'm a solo developer currently doing a vertical slice demo of an online multiplayer racing simulator.

I plan to keep the future team small. But I'm looking for potential partners to work with: physics programmers, audio engineers, env. artists and vehicle modelers. Especially if you've been a modder of AC, AMS1, rF2 or GPL. Or maybe has experience of working with vehicles and driving experiences in game.

#Game #GameDev #GameAudio #SimRacing #RacingSimulator

My thingie spits out valid byte code that I can run with .

Going to bed.

Feels really good, even though the code is "jackal".

I thought I was quite decent at #simracing, but every time I try out #RichardBurnsRally it's such a humbling experience!
My brain can barely keep up with the pace notes from @jonn
Here I manage to keep the car straight for 30 seconds, but I definitely crashed both before and after the clip :D

I've never implemented byte VMs until a little project I got to implement , but I have a decent experience with binary processing.

That said, only now did I figure out that I can actually make deliberately wrong encoders and repalace correct bytes with marker bytes (like 0xFF) for debug in a hex editor!


For anyone who doesn't know, @evan was largely responsible for OStatus, which is what the fediverse used to run on. Then later ActivityPub was based on Evan's Pump API.

@evan *more than anyone* did the key design work that the fediverse is based on.

Evan is being too humble. I am making up for it. Evan is awesome.

70 years ago the European Parliament first met.

It took a long time to make the EU a real parliamentary democracy… and on rule of law, budget, convention we still need to remind people and reinforce Parliament’s role.

A strong Europe = A democratic EU !


Today for #projects, one from 2003 - getElementsBySelector()

This might be the most impactful single function I've ever written!

It was inspired by conversations with Andrew Hayward about his getElementsByClassName() function:

I believe the first version of jQuery used my code (before quickly rewriting it with a better implementation!)

Browsers finally got querySelectorAll() around 2013

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