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Looking up DigitalOcean, they are publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. NYSE:DOCN for search.

The largest institutional investor, located in NYC, has very little about themselves on their website:

Other major investors include the usual Blackrock, Vanguard, JP Morgan Chase, etc.

I'll leave it to you to judge the evilness. ;)

caves, kobolds and yet another secret entrance. think this is the 9th way in 😅 #dungeon23

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks against Mastodon servers raise the bar on the workload and technical skills of the people maintaining the servers.

This can lead to consolidation of servers. For example, CloudFlare could wind up hosting many of the larger Mastodon instances, as they get attacked. Following this path, the DoS attackers "win".

Perhaps best if instead of consolidation, more federation is used, and more distribted servers are set up. More techs can learn to host. :)


Just found out Heroku's data team deleted a bunch of users' free databases with no backups and no notification and I am utterly aghast.

I'm going to hell for this...

instance : BEq Operation where
beq := (toString · == toString ·)

...but hear me out, it's a temporary instance written as a work-around for tests. It makes it better, right?

It's funny how white-washing pro-russian mass-media like @meduza_en clashes with white-washing individual russians online.

Take leak analysis for example. There's a guy on the twitter thread who claims that he saw the slurs in 2009 and they're deleted from the codebase by now. However, @meduza_en demonstrates that the code leaked is fresh.

winning in numbers: I have filled 50 GiB with media in 2 months. Before I filled 30 GiB with media in slightly over a year.

People seem to be using mastodon more!

A printed postcard, hand-tinted on monochrome, showing a view of "The Cromlech, Drewsteignton" or Spinster's Rock, on Dartmoor in Devon. Published by Chapman & Son of Dawlish, No 783. Postally used in 1904. #SpinstersRock #Drewsteignton #Dartmoor #Dolmens #Postcards #TombTuesday

🤓 Here's something nerdy. 🤓

Today linked up with Datasette, @simon's open-source tool for exploring data.

It's as easy as a single click. Check it out!

It gets worse before it hopefully gets better. No idea what to do with the glass windows, not going to lie, but the base layer is sketched!

Again, a "cheating" entry. I promise, I'll come back to spy stuff some time in February!

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Sunak’s anti-strike bill has PASSED its Parliament stages & will now progress to the House of Lords

AYES 315
NOES 246

If your MP voted to strip workers of their democratic right to strike, force them to work against their will & sack them if they refuse vote them out of office

But at this moment, it feels like a move to is warranted for at least one software system we make, forcing us to contribute to an actual future tech and perhaps move back to as default and make that -like actor library?..

Ughhh, why can't such a great language as Elixir be just a iota more acommodating.

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I'm very upset with driving into the ground in a horrid chain of absolutely uncalled for depreciations. This is not how 1.x software systems are maintained, especially given that 2.x is in the works.

Now I have to make some sort of machinery essentially from scratch. At least they didn't mess up the algebraic data types add-on yet. If I lose it, I won't use .

To Abbey Wood - Elizabeth line

Moody black and white photography of an Elizabeth line train arriving at Custom House Railway Station. I think this was taken on, or very near the first day that the line opened.

#mastoart #art #reflections #railway #train #london #londonunderground #photography #photo #potd #puddle #blackandwhite #monochrome

Rounding up first month of with some illustration work on the 's "Hour of Unity" adventure.

"... bandits and governments 'ave so much in common that they might be interchangeable anywhere in the world"
Terry Pratchett; Raising Steam
#DiscWorld #ToryTaxDodgers #ToryCriminals #ToryCriminalsDestroyingTheUK #GeneralElectionNow

Enjoying reading “A Folklore Bestiary” by @TMushmen - it’s evocative and the entries spark ideas. Lovingly illustrated too. There’s even a #DnD5e version if that floats your boat rather than the #OSR #OSE version.

Hat tip to @gbsteve, @gonzohistory and @lostpaolo who all worked on it. Recommended.

Error: Your password must contain at least two characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.

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