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"Macro.escape" quotes stuff inside a variable, "quote do" quotes stuff inside a do-block.

I ran my #dungeon23 tonight, as part of the #meta23 #FLAILSNAILS shared campaign. Many thanks to @jonn for trying it out!

Lt. Garlic 🧄 and Cpl. Carrot 🥕 solved the mystery of the charred body found in the parking lot, uncovered a top secret governmental lab, dreamt of distant jungles, learned to drive, fought giant pill bugs, and witnessed infinity. As successful as an investigation can be!

@spacekookie ah, I only saw the first screenshot! Gonna learn now!

legit cannot believe I have to keep saying this:

if bigotry isn’t a dealbreaker for you…

you’re tolerating bigotry and are part of the problem

Hey everyone! I’m Drew AKA Truth In Destruction. After taking a long hiatus from social media, i decided to come back with a vengeance on Mastodon. I’ve spent over 16 years documenting America’s abandoned buildings and places, and i’m here to share the adventure with you. I also do nature photography, so you may see some of that from time to time. See you in the ruins!

Three climate scientists, James Dyke, Wolfgang Knorr, and Robert Watson, say this:

"We have arrived at the painful realisation that the idea of Net Zero has licensed a recklessly cavalier 'burn now, pay later' approach which has seen carbon emissions continue to soar. It has also hastened the destruction of the natural world by increasing deforestation today, and greatly increases the risk of further devastation in the future."

Read more here --

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #GlobalWarming #Deforestation #Science

@alesgenova hiii! Iirc you're coming home tomorrow... let's rally?

Moving on up, the hard way.

Locks fascinate me, and this was a good place to include them.


@spacekookie if you're in town for a while and have the energy / time / want to hang out, my evenings are generally free.

Call of Ct*lhu is basically Interactive Fiction games.

In my latest podcast episode, I share my experiences with converting my GM preparation tools to a web-based table generator system called Hex-Describe. What started as just taking spreadsheet tables to text tables ended up being a journey through the AD&D core books.

Remember 1965? 58 years ago? The first official government report on #globalwarming for US president Lyndon B. Johnson? 1/2

@virtulis Let me try to restate what you're saying to make sure I'm understanding it correctly.

You are looking for
(a) a system that lets you quickly get yourself into a state where you can convincingly claim that you are physically unable to unlock it
(b) to an adversary who might be well-informed on this system
(c) but is otherwise unsophisticated and only has a limited amount of time and resources to spend on you.
(d) Crucially, you do not need to hide the fact that you're using this system or the fact that your inability to unlock it is a direct consequence of your intentional actions.

You are proposing what is basically a passphrase lock, except that the passphrase is intentionally impractical to remember and designed to be entered via QR code, which the user can quickly destroy when necessary to lock themselves out until they can access a backup copy.

If my reading is correct, I think your proposal is pretty good! You probably want to actually use the QR code to encrypt the app's database (as opposed to relying on it solely as a UI-level locking mechanism) to avoid making this easy to bypass via adb. For ergonomics, maybe consider supporting NFC tokens as well (I hear Russian banks are handing those out like candy, I wonder how easy those are to rip).

For related prior art, check out 1password's Travel Mode (

If you were to implement this, it would be crucial for you to be very very clear that this is your threat model. "Plausible deniability" has a bad reputation among modern cryptoengineers mostly because of overly ambitious/naive proposals that purported to address a stronger threat where (c) and (d) are not true or because (d) sounds implausible to much of the Western audience, but if people on the ground are telling you they're willing to live with (d) this seems reasonable.

Medium article: *Coding won't exist in five years. This is why."

First paragraph: "once upon a time, in a world not to different from ours, handmade clothing was the norm."

Comrade. Friend. I really need to tell you that clothing is still hand made. We just exploit people in the global south to make tons of it cheaply.

RT @KristiRaik
Having listened to Macron and Scholz at #MSC2023 yesterday and as much as I appreciate their support to Ukraine today, I can’t help thinking that just a year ago they believed Putin more than they believed some of their allies. Trust takes time to build.

@timClicks for how long are you in the UK? What are your plans for the rest of the day?

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