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From "Hockey Tactics 2023 - The Playbook" by Jack Han, but clearly applicable to far more domains than sports:

Make no mistake: History has already taught us in plain terms where this is headed if we do not collectively stop it in its tracks right now.

I am not an alarmist. I am historically literate, and we must all be in the face of this attack.

забирайте, кому треба: функції читання позиції текстового курсора в консолі, чистий #bash (без tput). кажіть, якщо знаєте, як це зробити краще/швидше.

p.s. підказку знайшов тут:


"Would the member of staff please attend the spirits isle?" the announcement boomed across the mall. A shaman in the parking lot sighed and got to work.


The toot-fic.

тут є такі люди, хто хоче навчитися програмувати, слідкуючи за проєктом на #bash? просто зараз розважаюся, пишучи простеньку програму для тренування швидкодруку, на #bash, — вагаючи, чи варто з цього робити допис-tutorial до щоденника (і відволікатися від власне коду)… якщо зважуся, то це буде простий, але справжній проєкт: не один рядок, а справжній шаблон, функції тощо, плюс базове застосування git…


I have been taking a lot of notes, though. Case in point (on taking notes /and/ org-mode’s elaborate feature set):

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@spacekookie adding to the hack to get something done...

...I think you are aware of this one, given your final touches to the slides for , but another way to get things done is to commit to give a talk about one's project which has a problem to figure out. Now you have no choice but to solve it! :)

Worked for me just now!

Aside from random blokes like this guy, there are nicer targets. For instance, in this group, people discuss "import-replacement big data startups":

Sounds like a nice development team to penetrate and insert vulnerability into their codebase.

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I find a lot of targets like this guy

but not a lot of time to social engineer / pwn them.

What do @rada folks do with over the Internet? Feels like some can be used to extract information / launch cyber-attacks into from their servers?..

That said, I think that we as a society need to at least journal "Z-patriots" to prevent proliferation of fascists into the free countries.

We're just starting doing a tech blog. I think static site generators are pretty cool, so we're running it from our GitHub Pages site.


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Just a quick drop for some more notes on a key #paper in #ResilienceEngineering and Cognitive Systems Engineering: Klein & Woods' "Ten Challenges for Making Automation a "Team Player" in Joint Human-Agent Activity":

This paper is about the idea that automation should be considered a team player, and establishes a "basic compact" (what makes people work together) and exposes 10 challenges that must be met to do it decently.

Notes at:

4 years of development.
12,000 merged pull requests.
7,000 fixed issues.
1,500 individual contributors across engine and docs.

Godot 4.0 sets sail NOW! ⛵️

A complete overhaul. A solid foundation to build upon. #GodotEngine

Sizzling take:

haters were kinda right. It's a bit of a unique situation where hiring **software engineers** rather than framework programmers (the latter is an admirable profession as well, don't get me right) is nigh impossible.

My best performing elixir developers aren't coming from elixir background. Sadly elixir is so good, it's impossible to use a 2013 heuristic of "just hiring erlangers".

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