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I actually found communities to be very weird there. There are many communities on #Matrix for specific apps and services like #Linux and specific one for things like #Ubuntu, but you just don't get responses, but then when one of the popular guys post everyone respond.

So, I find myself lurking more and not interacting as much. #Maston was a lot more inviting and felt at home immediately in all of the existing communities.

Maybe just my experience. That's why I mostly use it for individual one-on-one conversations.

#Element #Matrix

IM is the worst thing that happened to FOSS communication. Nerd-only software gatekeeps contributions.

re: and meanwhile, transphobia 

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Today the fundraiser for for is going strong, but we still need $3300.

@virtulis asked to include a way to transfer funds from within , here it is:


If you want to donate in EUR: UA793220010000026207335419863

In USD: UA493808050000000262025459354

Name: Haiduk Vasyl

Address: 28142, Ukraine, reg. Kirovohradska, district Kompaniivskyim village Harmanivka, st. Molodizhna, build. 1.

Sorry for occupant language in your feed, but ruskies barely understand even their own language!

Росiяне, опять к вам обращаюсь.

Посмотрите на эту отменную историю.
Одно тупорылое империалистическое хуйло влезло в разговор с другим тупорылым империалистическим хуйлом и предлагает мне общаться с росiянами **на латышском**.

Он объясняет это тем, что я значит использую переведённый роботом текст (ага, конечно, ведь роботы возвращают тексты транслитом).

При этом занятно, что по классике жанра, оба хуйла пишут примерно на уровне иностранца (см подсвеченный текст: "не владеш" а сам ты им "владеш", лошара?).

Вот такие вот дела. Хуйлостан богат интеллектуалами которых хлебом не корми, дай что-то припизднуть.

Напоследок задумайтесь что бы было если бы я таки начал разговариать с росiянами на латышском по умолчанию. Я думаю не надо пояснять что меня бы моментально те же люди обвинили в том что я их притесняю и что я неонацист.

Эх, типичная русня.

#ChatGPT can pass exams that a majority of students can't"

i think this says more about how our education relies on non-introspective reproduction of information than it says about the future of computing

like, it just shows that our education systems are incompatible with actual humans when a computer is better at it?

Systematical indoctrination of young kids in Russia. Hate is planted in their brain at an early age.

"A Kokhol is more stupid than a crow, but more cunning than a devil."

Khokhol is an ethnic slur used by Russians to make Ukrainians seem subhuman or stupid.


Schrems II related to data processing approximately as much as hallucinations are "true".

Anti-AI crusaders demonstrate themselves that human consciousness is a glorified Markov chain.

Holy shit, are they fucking stupid?


What the fuck is a privacy regulator even? @EU_Commission you guys ok? You're letting some random fucks instill censorship.

Looks like @TheTweedmeister has delivered again with more goodies for the #Liminal #ttrpg arriving today via All Rolled Up.

What does feel realistic is training these models to be MUCH better at providing useful indications as to their confidence levels

The impact of these problems could be greatly reduced if we could counteract the incredibly convincing way that these confabulations are presented somehow

I also think there's a lot of room for improvement here in terms of the way the UI is presented, independent of the models themselves

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I agree that confabulation/hallucination/lying is a huge problem with LLMs like ChatGPT, Bard etc

But I think a lot of people are underestimating how difficult it is to establish "truth" around most topics

High quality news publications have journalists, editors and fact checkers with robust editorial processes... and errors still frequently slip through

Expecting a LLM to perfectly automate that fact checking process just doesn't seem realistic to me

Honestly, I think that people are just mad that LLMs spell better than they.

russia banned twitter.
This day seems better.

North Korea banned Google.
You get the idea. 🙂

Cringe fucks.

When fellow left-leaning people cheer for non-lethal technology bans by the government, I don't quite understand what to think.

Like what the fuck is my next boost (too lazy to QT).

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