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Quick status update!

We are bringing up everything on the 14"/16" M2 Pro/Max machines and expect to have support up to parity very soon (Mac Minis will take longer due HDMI support requiring new code).
@lina fixed some of the graphical glitches introduced in the last big GPU update, expect updated packages soon.
libinput patches to default to natural scrolling (already the case on Asahi) and to disable edge palm rejection on Apple trackpads are now merged upstream. The latter should improve responsiveness issues on larger trackpads (especially 16" models), including Intel ones.
KWin should no longer show artificial screen resolutions that don't actually work on MacBooks.
More things going upstream: PWM driver, M2 device trees, Rust stuff...

15 min of pure hate by Solovyev. To remind you all why we don't need 'peace' we need an Ukrainian victory.

Okay. An update for #Substitoot is up:

- Changed the request intercepting approach (see below).
- Replies to remote toots now work as expected.
- Local context now shown immediately, remote stuff is added when it's ready.
- Actual real boost/favorite count on remote toots!

Switched from intercepting web requests in the background process to injecting an XHR wrapper, as well as plugging into the Redux store if possible.

New mode is on by default, but old mode still available if needed (new mode is not tested on versions < 4.0 so tell me how it goes). The new features are only in the new thing though (and the reason it exists).

More info:


A little-known fact about Mastodon is that when you move your account, it gets put on a truck and then shipped to the new server. Here, for instance, are users employing I-195 to move between servers.

Seeing people post positively about Substack now that it's challenging Twitter.

Reminder: Substack is also centralised. Worse, the business model is basically to take what would once have been blogs and paywall them as premium 'newsletters'.

Substack is not a friend of the open web.

Incidentally, it’s worth noting that Twitter significantly imploded during this time.

Thankfully, my spouse @DavidLowry suggested starting an account on a decentralized network called #Mastodon. A handful of months later, I’m still here & delighted to be part of this kinder & more thoughtful community with you. /2

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human races don't fit the biological criteria for groups of animals being classified as races.

Thanks to essay 4 of the essay book I'm reading.

@jonn @roberth the punchline is that in 2023 we still don’t have a messaging service that doesn’t suck donkey balls, despite internet messaging being close to 40 years old now.


I actually found communities to be very weird there. There are many communities on #Matrix for specific apps and services like #Linux and specific one for things like #Ubuntu, but you just don't get responses, but then when one of the popular guys post everyone respond.

So, I find myself lurking more and not interacting as much. #Maston was a lot more inviting and felt at home immediately in all of the existing communities.

Maybe just my experience. That's why I mostly use it for individual one-on-one conversations.

#Element #Matrix

IM is the worst thing that happened to FOSS communication. Nerd-only software gatekeeps contributions.

re: and meanwhile, transphobia 

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Today the fundraiser for for is going strong, but we still need $3300.

@virtulis asked to include a way to transfer funds from within , here it is:


If you want to donate in EUR: UA793220010000026207335419863

In USD: UA493808050000000262025459354

Name: Haiduk Vasyl

Address: 28142, Ukraine, reg. Kirovohradska, district Kompaniivskyim village Harmanivka, st. Molodizhna, build. 1.

Sorry for occupant language in your feed, but ruskies barely understand even their own language!

Росiяне, опять к вам обращаюсь.

Посмотрите на эту отменную историю.
Одно тупорылое империалистическое хуйло влезло в разговор с другим тупорылым империалистическим хуйлом и предлагает мне общаться с росiянами **на латышском**.

Он объясняет это тем, что я значит использую переведённый роботом текст (ага, конечно, ведь роботы возвращают тексты транслитом).

При этом занятно, что по классике жанра, оба хуйла пишут примерно на уровне иностранца (см подсвеченный текст: "не владеш" а сам ты им "владеш", лошара?).

Вот такие вот дела. Хуйлостан богат интеллектуалами которых хлебом не корми, дай что-то припизднуть.

Напоследок задумайтесь что бы было если бы я таки начал разговариать с росiянами на латышском по умолчанию. Я думаю не надо пояснять что меня бы моментально те же люди обвинили в том что я их притесняю и что я неонацист.

Эх, типичная русня.

#ChatGPT can pass exams that a majority of students can't"

i think this says more about how our education relies on non-introspective reproduction of information than it says about the future of computing

like, it just shows that our education systems are incompatible with actual humans when a computer is better at it?

Systematical indoctrination of young kids in Russia. Hate is planted in their brain at an early age.

"A Kokhol is more stupid than a crow, but more cunning than a devil."

Khokhol is an ethnic slur used by Russians to make Ukrainians seem subhuman or stupid.

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