@alesgenova learning a bit from this video. Can't wait to apply in practice!
Something to consider for #lean!
The UK is not ready for the next global pandemic because public services are being dismantled and key research is being defunded, experts have claimed.
More than three years after the global outbreak of coronavirus, top scientists have warned that the UK is no better prepared for a pandemic than it was in 2020.
#Pandemic #NHS #UKPolitics #Healthcare
85 years ago.
In April 1938, Guy Callendar published his seminal paper showing that Earth’s land areas had warmed over the previous 50 years.
He also suggested that man-made CO₂ emissions had caused around half of the observed warming.
85 years ago.
My favorite evergreen issue of #LinuxMagazine is actually pretty recent. It's issue #267, which is called "Backups".
Amazing survey of tools I knew of but didn't know how to use and tools that I didn't even know existed like
Going beyond #rsync in backups sure feels great. Grab your own digital copy here:
@google has to be sued for failing to deliver E-Mail of legitimate businesses.
Just now I had to manually mark "not spam" emails from "Sparkhaus Media GmbH", the European company that prints @linuxmagazine and @adminmagazine. Just because they host their own SMTP server.
Seriously, fuck that cartel bullshit. I have no idea where is @EU_Commission looking...
If #kubernetes is so good, why is there so many people struggling to learn it? (Just kidding, just jaded that I couldn't buy the issue haha).
@jonn @chodzikman I think Nickel is supposed to be that.
Toot at me your favorite evergreen @linuxmagazine issues!
With "evergreen", I mean ones that contain methodology reviews, breakthrough technology reviews, fundamental (rather than the flavour of the week) howtos, etc.
I've finally learned how to buy them in the #UK, so I'll buy the one I'm most interested in in digital and paper and some other ones in paper for home decor and retro feeling when I used to be jealous of my neighbour for having stacks of #xakep magazine.
I even still use #ifconfig. But I know I shouldn't.
Hello from new #doma office!
This is the latest in my series of posts on running Large Language Models on personal devices
I hope for custom liveries for #WRC #RallyCroatia remembering Craig Breen.
We don't nees sponsors for this event, we need a unity of the rally community.
I am sorry to report that the last two publications recognizable as computer magazines in the classic sense have abandoned print. (You probably didn’t notice unless you were a subscriber.) I was moved to write a eulogy for the whole era.
Regarding the previous toot, for non-motorsports fans in the audience. Here's a downed power cable response 101:
I know this stuff since I'm a kid, since half of my childhood I've spent in a village, but for city-dwellers it may be useful.
A mechanism for #LongCovid
I am beyond excited to finally be able to share what I’ve been working on for the past year.
At the beginning of March 22, I discovered a potential mechanism for #LongCovid. It was a unifying mechanism that could explain every single symptom that patients were reporting, something I never thought possible for a disease that has over 200. Yet, this mechanism actually did.
That guy
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.