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So like... People are against neural networks and LLMs because they often spew nonsense. In the universe where this document exists. Alrighty!

TIL about the Klop Fixed point combinator and uhhh what the fuck

Yk = (L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L)
L = λabcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyzr. (r (t h i s i s a f i x e d p o i n t c o m b i n a t o r))

The only good thing about this war is that russia is increasing a communist rhetoric while clearly being a fascist-isomorphic country. Thus, we once again learn that it's not just ok to punch a nazi; it's also ok to punch a commie.

@jonn There must be something off. It should open immediately. LSP catches up after a while yes, but until then you should already be able to work

WTF! Maybe due to , but can't open a 666KB small rust module in reasonable time.

A bit embarassing.

Dear journalists: please stop embedding tweets. The infrastructure supporting that has, it seems, started to fail, so articles keep reflowing as parts of tweet embeds eventually load or don't.

Mission 2 was meant to be a carnage, but I have utilized my close range machine gunners and the guide from platoon B to deploy snipers at the end of round 2 and win with the full route on turn 1 of round 3. I lost a regular army machine gunner as the result, but gained control of the Northern Reach. With the nazis fleeing, it's up to me to convert more mobile elite force with a better morale into a decisive victory, running away with the campaign.

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Mission 1 was really important... The opponent was focusing on my AT gun and I have played along by bolstering it once. Damage was inflicted twice to it, and the rest of the damage was inflicted to both of the buildings where I places my machine guns and snipers. What I did was I leveraged the fact that I've only killed reservist rifles to snipe high impact units of my opponent and then, after drawing poorly, went all in on winning the initiative to forfeit.

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Played two Northern Reach missions of the campaign. I play as the bad guys, whereas my friend is playing as the worse guys.

So, our 🇱🇻 new president is an experienced politician, great at diplomacy, progressively minded and overall a likeable character.

He's also openly gay and anyone uncomfortable with that can suck a dick. ♥️

For speakers, here's an analysis of for you and the reason why it's not OK to listen to them (at least not on streaming services where they get money): /

Please note that since then, has played in a moderate-presenting z-patriotic show "kvartirnik u margulisa", which was an *overt* z-patriotic shitfest this year.

I wonder how hard would it be to make a heavy metal band to steal songs of bands which have always been OK but got partially wrecked by and now should be cancelled.

Examples: and . Of course, the latter doesn't exist anymore, but still gets money from streams.

For me, some of their songs is exactly the reason why I grew up as a principled individual who stands for freedom and liberty. A lot of their stuff was anti-authoritarian.

The fact that some of the people involved ended up slaves to the evil force (see what I did there?), however, makes it seem that we understood what they were singing about better than themselves.

@jonn it's scary how totally different (at least at the surface) movements & organizations can play together when their interests in upsetting or weakening the modern democratic world coincide...

#vatican, obscure african autocraties, european fascist collaborators, and even half-forgotten ideological frankensteins with blood-soaked banners, you name it.

The most social(-ist) thing one can do is to stop the spread of red plague. Fuck commies!

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