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The Swiss Council of States adopted an amendment to the Law on the Re-export of Military Goods, which should allow third countries to supply of Swiss weapons to Ukraine #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #Swiss

Reposted from Twitter by @nafobot


All the roads lead to Santa Fe, New Mexico.

I forgot when I was taking this pic that water acted to diffract / concentrate light to form a little lens. There's a cute little world inside each raindrop!

#MacroPhotography #Nasturtium #Nature #NaturePhotography

I’ve been doing a little stock take of my #CrossBorderRail work…

In the past 12 months I have investigated:
131 cross border railways in Europe
Travelled 62716km on 425 trains
Cycled 1662km in 62 different places
Travelled 2191km on 20 buses

And there's more to come!

Project website: crossborderrail.trainsforeurop

Blowing up dams is a crime under Rule 7 of the Geneva Conventions — said no BBC journalist to any of the Russian spox allowed a publicly funded platform for their lies and propaganda today


In this Causal Islands🏝️ talk, Idris 2 creator Edwin Brady gives an introduction to his functional programming language built on Quantitative Type Theory. #functionalprogramming

300 animals died today in the Nova Kakhovka zoo due to russia’s destruction of the Kakhovka HPP dam. This is ecocide. The russians want to destroy anything that is alive.

Reposted from Twitter by @nafobot


We are coordinating with the Member States to deliver rapidly:

→ dirt water pumps
→ fire hoses
→ mobile water purification stations
→ boats

We stand by Ukraine as long as it takes.


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Russia will have to pay for the war crimes committed in Ukraine.

The destruction of the dam, an outrageous attack on civilian infrastructure, puts at risk thousands of people in the Kherson region.

Europe is mobilising support through our civil protection mechanism.


@matthewcroughan can you share the code for your visual software testing tool with Hercules? Would you be interested in a small contract with doing this Unity thing?

@jonn Dropped the bits in the comments in the link at

Of course friend, who's kinda conspiracy-theory/right-wing-media adjacent already, is using this as a "well, the CIA popularized the term to discredit activists" talking point now, even when presented with historical facts...

@jonn also, earlier from Bard, screenshot:

and related to my digging deeper on that, the problem with using Google front page generally for sourcing:

Indy: making "Pearl Harbour minute by minute" was a mistake… Too hard.
Also Indy: makes DDay Hour by Hour.

I love this man and the whole crew.

I have played online today and . Both using a computer vs a friend.

Both were absolutely amazing. and really need an engine implementation and then I have no idea why would anyone play anything else. :)

But honestly, all of these games are gems of game design. Can't recommend enough.

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