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Ukraine's National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption has added the fast food chain Subway to the list of companies that support the war.

More than 500 Subway restaurants in russia continue to operate and pay taxes to russia, advertising themselves through russian social networks and using Yandex services.

Boycott #Subway, show them that staying in russia will hurt them much more than leaving ever would.

Read more here🔗

#Ukraine 🇺🇦 #SlavaUkraini

"Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova may be next. And it is certain if we do not withstand. We have heard recently that they have started talking about Finland, they have started talking about the independence of Uzbekistan, and so on. He [Putin] will not finish this until we collectively finish him." - President Zelenskyy
#AureFreePress #Ukraine #Zelensky

A historic petition has been launched, potentially leading to the deprivation of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's voting rights in the Council of the European Union.

Article 7 allows for the suspension of certain rights, including voting rights in the Council, for a member state found in violation of the European Union's values, encompassing human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law.
#AureFreePress #EU

Switched back to programming for January 31 release of .

Exciting times ahead. We have all the tech, and now we're completeing the checklist for full automation and cross-integration.

If you need an automated test task for IT hiring or OKRs, we're your people.

I don't know if documenting 4 AM big brain thoughts and uploading those on youtube is stupid or smart.

For very simple inputs, like a function that takes three booleans, Quickcheck can exhaust the entire input space easily. For more complicated inputs, like a function that renders some unicode text, your tests are much less likely to hit the rare edge cases, unless you are very strategic about how you generate your random examples.

One trick here is to use smaller types when possible. For example, say you have a function that searches for cycles in a directed graph, say a Map>. Normally your graphs are indexed by strings. If you generate a graph by picking out random elements of your Map>, you’ll spend most of your randomness on generating uninteresting graphs with lots of nodes pointing at nothing.
#crdt #quickcheck

Computer solvers in 1989 vs. 2024

> Combining the computer hardware speed increase of 4,000 times with the solver software performance improvement of 5 million times, the total improvement from 1989 to 2024 is a factor of 20 billion times faster!

"Nav vienas patriotisma definīcijas. Nav viena pareizā veida, kā pierādīt savu Tēvzemes mīlestību. Bet man svarīgi šķiet ne tikai runāt par patriotismu, bet to parādīt darbos. Mēs nevaram saviem bērniem teorētiski iemācīt, ka jāmīl Latvija. Mīlestība viņiem ir jāparāda."

/ Edgars Rinkevičs /

Oh my fucking god

I just had the sudden realisation that the way fedi does handles, @username@domain.tld, is pretty much almost exactly the same that "first name" and "last name" was handled in ye olden times

Then and there it often was X of Y, with X the name, and Y the city or place. "Last names" we have these days have this built in as an artefact; of, from, de, d', van, von, of the, etc.

So fedi has inadvertently recreated this trend

Your instance domain really is your fedi lastname

Par ģimenes tradīciju kļūst 11/11 apmeklēt šo piemiņas vietu..

[📍Brīvības cīnītāju piemineklis
Mūkusalas iela (Torņakalns), Rīga,24 ]

Šis piemineklis - par godu 🇱🇻 uzvarai pār Bermonta armiju 1919.gadā šovakar arī gaida sveces un ziedus!

Quoting @berlinbridge

"Russia wants to destroy Europe: our way of life, our economies and democracies. Their war on European freedom may have started in #Ukraine, but it won’t stop there unless we give the Ukrainian military & people everything they need to stop them. Now."

Mr. putin, like that old deranged university professor, is putting world politicians to a test. The exam has just one question. 'Did you learn anything from the world wars of the XXth century?'

High-ranking officials seldom answer that with actions. They rarely even speak precisely about their stance.

But today we, the civilians, finally hear unambiguous voices warning of impending war. One from , another from the a week earlier.

When events like these happen, a spark of hope flickers within me. Maybe Europe will be prepared?.. Yet, each time, it quickly fades, leaving a trail of disappointment.


Went 3-2 in a league, the deck feels decent and my understanding of it is at least average if not above. Tomorrow I'm committed to analyse the replays of the games I played. I also went 2-3 with Esper Midrange in an Arena league, which is OK-ish, but whatever. Ramp feels like a very hard matchups when your opponents are playing well.

Went 3-0 in testing, feels really good.

I won't reveal which deck I'm practicing with for just yet, and I don't think it's a particularly good meta call, but if I dodge bad matchups, it could be a nice for me!

Didn't do much for the past couple of days because I was focusing on work, but I have watched some Andrea Mengucci content to get a grasp on the metagame.

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