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I actually did have "nazi salute" on my inauguration bingo card.

Good luck selling your Tesla, though.

👋 hi
We heard you moved away from a toxic social media platform?
Congrats! now do Google Docs!

#privacy #collaboration #office-suite #googledocs #office365

Everybody who voted for this guy should suffer.

oh my gowd, oh my fucking gowd… with the today's #inauguration speech, mister t. is basically giving a violence mandate to an agressive minority.

this is _exactly_ how #fascism establishes itself.

this is how the nsdap came to power in germany. this is how russia became a fascist state.

before this speach i was afraid u.s. were becoming an #oligarchy. after it, i'm terrified because this is not mere oligarchy, this is fascism.

welcome to the new dark age of the world :-(

You all died in 2016. And yes, this is Hell.

Spruce up your data entry by sprinkling � or a€™ liberally around the web. Maybe slap an [object Object] in a field or two for good measure...

I'm interested to know what folks think.

Does application design start with:

When I was a kid, I marvelled at the smart kids with amazing projects and this and that. "Wow. That kid is so amazing and I'm not"

As an adult, I finally realize how much work it is to set up my child to do this and that. The fair she's going to today would not have happened without me running around starting with borrowing a sewing machine, then buying fabric, getting her set up with patterns. Even learning to sew in the first place was because of one of my friends.

This is a kind of privilege I never knew as a kid.

Despite all the memes, it's hard to appreciate privilege. My daughter experiences more than I ever did. I had more than my parents did.

We don't have a lot of control over these things but it's important to acknowledge and appreciate them. It's the lack of acknowledgement from the billionaire class that's the problem.

For the love of God, all you did was switch social media platforms. You are not a “refugee”

Problēma jau nav tiktokā. Pilnīgi visas platformas ievāc lietotāju datus dažādiem mērķiem. Pilnīgi visās platformās ir gan nopirktu botu bari, gan propogandas konti. Nav jābloķē viena konkrēta platforma, jārisina pašas problēmas. FB ir gan naciķu grupas, gan anormālas dezinfo kampaņas. X vispār pieder galēji labējam miljardierim ar slimīgu vēlmi ietekmēt pasaules kārtību. Just fucking quit! Lietojiet atvērta koda decentralizētas platformas. Un valdībām jārisina šī augošā problēma, nevis jābloķē platformas pašas

@patrickcmiller Without having read the article, I'd love to see a ban on GDPR violating cars in EU. You know, stuff like or the talk on VW at 38c3.

And then let's do it right and have physical separation between infotainment and controller networks. And of course no permanently active sim card(s), but only in case of emergency or at choice.....

And then I might be willing to even buy chinese cars.

btw, with tiktok being banned, there are now american military service members uploading videos of their workplace on "rednote"

i have no words for this have identified a russian network of 2,000 #TikTok accounts created to discredit the mobilization in #Ukraine.

The volume of this russian operation are crazy.

Read the investigation:

Es diezgan sudzīgi rakstu latviski, bet angłu autokompłits vispār nepalīdz 😂

LOL broke it's app, now mid-video quizzes don't interleave on the mobile.

Paul Graham annual reminder that not all Lisp hackers are smart.

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