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That's a special feeling to get after several evenings of a massive, paradigm-shifting refactoring.

Goodbye ! I hope I won't see you soon.

Yup, that's basically an end to end doctest. I don't care how slow it is to run, I'm boosting the signal about the infrastructure so much by doing stuff like this.

I'm not saying it's cool to write like this, I'm saying that it's cool that one can write like this.

Here we need fix because we want to recur over a function that's not yet defined in absence of a convenient way to call def / defp macros, since we're generating code outside of a module.

Super-spreader events are cute and all because natural selection. I'm only really sad about the families of locals who may and will lose their lives because of a bunch of idiots getting [too close] together.

Used my first IP address to test a simple rate limiter for the contact form. Will release it as a part of the third version of our website.

@plausible @markosaric

So... This happened.

How can we help you get it green-listed in uBlock Origin?

And do you know who's behind red-listing?

#WRCEstonia results #WRC 

I thought I went crazy.
Needles to say, I missed this bit of news from January and have missed a couple first laps.

Who said that it's a problem that weekend and weekend is on the same weekend?

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