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Another thing for russians to read and comprehend.

I'm looking forward to justice and will do what I can to bring the judgement day for russians as close as possible.

Donate to people of who are defending their .

Nanuka's Fund

Earlier this month I have confirmed that is shipping electronics to .

To confirm that it's not a fluke, I have sent an E-Mail under my name posing as a commie and seems like their CEO has answered. 🤡

@EU_Commission do you have buddies in by chance? This stuff is not ok.

Went 4-3 in with a very streamlined deck that I built based on a Violet's brew.

But I got a 3-0 in draft with a very sweet deck.

2-1 vs proliferate , 2-1 vs , 2-1 vs .

What I would really prefer to hold for , and this will be my editorial policy, is for us to never post things that aren't 100% written by humans.

Benefit of working in my own self-funded startup #68

We have timeout messages hardcoded in the system to 3 minutes.
I was too lazy to change the messages....

So I just changed the planet.

Ok Google, provide me a dictionary definition of "forcing a meme".

Remember ?

I'm currently writing an OSE module that I plan to release some time this year. And sometimes I need new cool spells to make sure that a single "big-bad" can hold their ground against the party.

May I present you "dreamwoven image", the mirror image's big brother. Pair with 's Dream Vapours for some TPK action.

Getting out of slump by drafting everything except for white in .

I'm very happy that I've stumbled upon the idea of virtual card advantage before Alex and Sam have educated the masses about it.

Bombs don't matter, I was winning without bombs. The key is Vitu Ghazi Inspectors, a ton of self-mill from the leech, panthers, split card and even gorehound and edicts!
I only resolved Izani twice and didn't win both games 😄

Wasn't impressed with Hustle // Bustle in this deck at all, probably a Faerie would have been stronger. I think so even though I have attacked with Bustle for lethal once.

It's an absolute insanity to prototype code without types.

That includes . Using should be chapter 1 of any modern Elixir tutorial.

Was one non-flooded game away from going 3-0 with this.

2-1 on the draw vs detectives (remove key threats, stall, win with Performer. In: Rage, out: Leech),
1-2 on the draw vs big Disguise (RG Performer, got flooded, so not representative. On the draw In: Macabre Reconstruction, Out: Informant. On the play: In: 2-drop, Out: Informant),
2-1 on the draw vs UW tempo (play around counterspells, force them to tap out, win with huge Robbery. No changes).

Notably, I probably misbuilt this and should've ran Alley Assailant main deck instead of the second copy of the Informant.

3-0 on a very tough server vs some mythic-level players.

Will put out the recordings if anyone is interested.

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