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Oh my, why are lefties such human trash!

Imagine calling a Latvian who is traumatised by the mass deportations and killing of Latvians "bigoted".

It's more or less like telling a black person from South Africa that they are bigoted for being traumatised by apartheid or an person being traumatised by Chinese occupation and "reeducation" camps.

It's also funny how imperialist they are! Every conversation degrades into . Guess what, not everyone cares about USPol beyond the presidential elections.

You brainless piece of shit.

Another thing for russians to read and comprehend.

I'm looking forward to justice and will do what I can to bring the judgement day for russians as close as possible.

Donate to people of who are defending their .

Nanuka's Fund

Earlier this month I have confirmed that is shipping electronics to .

To confirm that it's not a fluke, I have sent an E-Mail under my name posing as a commie and seems like their CEO has answered. 🤡

@EU_Commission do you have buddies in by chance? This stuff is not ok.

Went 4-3 in with a very streamlined deck that I built based on a Violet's brew.

But I got a 3-0 in draft with a very sweet deck.

2-1 vs proliferate , 2-1 vs , 2-1 vs .

What I would really prefer to hold for , and this will be my editorial policy, is for us to never post things that aren't 100% written by humans.

Benefit of working in my own self-funded startup #68

We have timeout messages hardcoded in the system to 3 minutes.
I was too lazy to change the messages....

So I just changed the planet.

Ok Google, provide me a dictionary definition of "forcing a meme".

Remember ?

I'm currently writing an OSE module that I plan to release some time this year. And sometimes I need new cool spells to make sure that a single "big-bad" can hold their ground against the party.

May I present you "dreamwoven image", the mirror image's big brother. Pair with 's Dream Vapours for some TPK action.

Getting out of slump by drafting everything except for white in .

I'm very happy that I've stumbled upon the idea of virtual card advantage before Alex and Sam have educated the masses about it.

Bombs don't matter, I was winning without bombs. The key is Vitu Ghazi Inspectors, a ton of self-mill from the leech, panthers, split card and even gorehound and edicts!
I only resolved Izani twice and didn't win both games 😄

Wasn't impressed with Hustle // Bustle in this deck at all, probably a Faerie would have been stronger. I think so even though I have attacked with Bustle for lethal once.

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