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I'm on a music forum where people seem to be debating whether politics in songs is allowed on the forum.

Their minds are going to be blown when they learn about Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, Billy Bragg, Rage Against The Machine, and [continue for more than there is space here...]

@chunked I pronounce "regex" with a hard "g", like "regular" in "regular expression".

@xenodium on which floor will it be? I'm very scared of heights and tall buildings, but I'd love to attend. :)

Do I have players around?

I'm preparing for an LCQ tournament in the end of September and I want to learn the format with someone who's also competitive.

THIS JUST IN: Man who willfully deadnames his own child angry about users deadnaming website that still has the old URL

You can do ranged operations like `a random K between X and Y` or `repeat with i running from x to y` are enumerated kinds of value (in the Project Index's sense) and arithmetic kinds of value, i.e., numbers (but not real numbers, which are real arithmetic values), times... and specified kinds of value. You can totally do

a random weight from 100 lbs 0 oz to 200 lbs 15 oz


repeat with w running from 6 lbs 0 oz to 8 lbs 15 oz:

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So, I think I've gotten more or less to the bottom of one of #Inform7's secrets...

I've mentioned before that the kinds over which one can iterate with `repeat with x running through the Ks`:: enumerated kinds of value, external files, figure names, sound names, scenes, objects, truth states, use options, responses, verbs, table names, action names, or descriptions of values of those kinds.

Units, aka specified kinds of value, are arithmetic values.

Stay calm and kill the occupiers.

(I somewhat emphathise with up until they cross the border with . Those who do must die, and I actively help, as much as possible, to make sure they do).

@mxhdroom the problem for Ott is that "elsewhere" is already stacked. We need "Toyota Blue" team as the fourth team in the sport, just like we have Alpha Tauri in .

Women were hunters in most societies studied, NOT just gatherers.

"Dr. Wall-Scheffler and her students found evidence of women hunting in 50 of the 63 societies they studied; moreover, 87 percent of that behavior was deliberate. In cultures where hunting was the most important means of finding food, women took an active role 100 percent of the time."

"Often, the oldest women participated the most. (In one bow-and-arrow culture, for example, a grandmother was prized for having the best aim.)"

Wow, I went off social networks for two weeks? And loved it.

Today I dreamt of snow.

Last week I went to Barcelona and, on a different occassion got really close to Ashdown forest.

I keep supporting and its army.

I would love to get a medium-large contract for 1-2 people in , or . Or maybe just consulting?

Apparently, I'm pretty good at making tech teams, managing and scaling them!

Also, my product's automation is ready and I'm confident enough in it that I can offer y'all a better way to rank your tech candidates quickly and with more fidelity in the signal you're getting from the test tasks.

If you want to talk to me about any of this:

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