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@julienmalka so basically what you're saying is that the only chance for the meme is

@julienmalka and conversely based on you saying that Macron's force shall be 3rd, I thought that the united left will get through universally haha. "Not that simple" after all.

@julienmalka I know how these elections work (which is the same as those here in the and completely different from the way it's handled in and , where we vote for global parties and local reps).

I didn't know that the left didn't scoop to Macron though...

@julienmalka haha, this ruse is working really well because that's how foreigners perceive Macron!

Finally you have to understand that the rise of the far-right has been facilitated or even worse engineered by Macron in an attempt to be always presented as « the last wall against fascism » and easily win elections, by systematically destroying and diabolising leftist forces in France and on the opposite side allowing far-right ideas to enter in the public debate, even passing some of them as law.

@julienmalka basically the point I'm trying to make with the meme is that de Gaulle wasn't some sort of super-popular person who was making popular decisions, he was a person who stood up for France when France was struck down by nazis.

Similar thing is getting slow-rolled now across Europe and it can well be a repeat of a dictator who switched their country to war-time economy is attacking an underprepared Europe encouraged by American isolationism.

@julienmalka oh shit, so like how do I fix the meme?! I honestly am worried about a simple thing: being on the opposing sides with Hungary, Slovakia and now France during wolrd war 3 haha.

⚡Le Pen against France providing long-range missiles, troops to Ukraine.

French far-right politician Marine Le Pen said in an interview with CNN on July 5 that her party is against continuing to provide Ukraine with long-range missiles and the possibility of sending French troops to Ukraine.


@ChrisO_wiki @richlv (in one of the most popular food delivery service is called "samokat", which is "a scooter", but I figured it'd be too obscure of a reference, so I swapped it with , but then I realised that I simply added a layer of indirection potentially causing further confusion, so I ended up explaining the joke anyway 🤡)

@julienmalka tl;dr -- when the war is looming, comfort-policy don't matter.

Vote for those who will make sure you retain freedom.

@julienmalka you have to cast protest vote against Le Pen. 🤷

It's not like people were like "yeah, de Gaule is the people's candidate". He was just a guy ready to stand against collaborationism with dictators, which, in modern France Le Pen represents.

I think that Macron has clearly demonstrated that when the war starts, he and his government will fight for the country.

Hence the parallel I draw between modern history of France and the current interesting situation.

I saw this story, and had to share:

Last saturday, in Porto, there was a pride parade going down the street, and this old man was standing there, by his front door, waving the portuguese flag. Most people on the parade probably thought the same: old person waving the national flag. He's probably protesting against the parade, he's a nationalist of some sort.

Then the old man called for that person to come near him. The whole parade stopped. Everyone just.. stopped moving. They didn't know what to expect, and most expected the worst, and that person decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, and approached the old man, and then... they traded flags. He hugged the person, and then he waved the pride flag happily. everyone cheered him.

@anderspuck btw, remember when I reached out to you in regards to IT-related volunteering for European defense? What ended up happening is that I found some options where (sadly) they ended up not needing my services, but that organisation had a vaccancy which I have advertised to my friends whose profile is more in line with what they're doing and one of my friends ended up getting hired on a full-time basis! 🙏

If something changes and someone you know who's working towards tightening European defense needs competent software engineers / automated OSINT / data engineer, remember that I'm still eager to help out :)

@knotfeed I don't always say the words "good russians", but when I do, I mean it.

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