"If you let her eat the data cartridge, this is going to be a real short game."
This week is another reminder that:
We don't have an energy shortage
We don't have an insulin shortage
We don't have a housing shortage
We don't have a teacher shortage
We don't have a labor shortage
We don't have a food shortage
We have a billionaire excess who buy politicians to deny us access to basic human rights.
@hohokam great point! I think #IdSoftware has reset gaming and we are still paying the price. I wanted to mention pre-90s gaming in my rant, including #Infocom, but there was not enough space on the margins.
@Elena @eniko #Undertale! Probably the fan-made expansion. #Braid may be one, but the jury is still out. I didn't see play-throughs and I didn't complete it, but the inter-world book snippets are super fucking eerie.
@eniko please links to all of it. I know for you it's mildly traumatic, but I would loooooooooove some good fun.
My take is the opposite of the hypothetical authors. The fact that I have only like 1.5 games to play — #Undertale and #InvisibleInc, and maybe #DeusEx and #Thief (?!) is the legacy of white cis male fetishist #IdSoftware company and their senseless #DOOM (nb! I love #doomRL, I don't know what's wrong with me. nb! I've completed #DOOM, and I kind of liked it. But it actually contributes to the point).
The logical continuation of this were horrible, misogynistic #DukeNukem and racist #ShadowWarrior (I **loved** #ShadowWarrior as a kid, because I didn't see racism behind the veil of diversity, nor could I understand English enough to "appreciate" main character's "jokes").
Of course, certain people would miss this descent into the circles of hell (no pun intended)!
I want to live in a world where none of this have happened and Carmack was at most a hippie, not a filthy libertarian.
@eniko I keep rerolling stylix but that may be 16.
Early in 2025, BT, Virgin Media, Sky, TalkTalk, EE and Plusnet will be required to abuse DNS to attempt to block customer access to:
Library Genesis
Anna’s Archive
I haven’t found a copy of the actual court judgment / order, just PR fluff and regurgitations of it.
This is under the UK’s copyright law framework; this kind of administrative blocking order is the backstop power under the Online Safety Act.
@ferricoxide I'm super-humble! After hiring toxic "leaders" it takes a painfully unaware person to be one.
@MAKS23 ho ho ho
That https://doma.dev guy
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.