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Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Random thought — I have a tight-knit support group which is a band of my friends and me. My friends also contribute to other groups, so do I. There are amazing humans like @EugeneMcParland on mastodon with whom I'm only acquainted here, but we don't live that far from each other.

Question: if all of us will try to get together after the victory of , how large of a venue will we have to book? Where would be the "center of mass" of such gathering?

@dzedus starp city, LDZ atbildeja, bet tas ir tāpēc ka kad es viņiem prasīju kāpēc vilcieni brauc uz krieviju, man gan bija citāda taktika — arī manā rīcībā bija daži fakti, bet es, stradajot ar rubryku, nevis aggressivi viņus prasīju par situāciju, bet kā ārštata žurnālists.

Ļoti interesantā atbilde, starp citu. Loģiskā, bet gan nedaudz ciniskā.

@dzedus a, paga, ir arī Stenders! Pardeva ķīniešiem godīgu vardu. Un viņi arī no krievijas neaizgaja. Šīm faktam ir arī fotogrāfiski pierādījumi!

@dzedus Davis? Es pamanīju ka viņam ir interesants vards, bet īstenībā nenoreflekšju ka viņš pa tiešām ir latvietis.

Man kaut kā galvā nenoklikšķ ka latvietis var but ķīna-vatniks 🤣

Stay focused. We’ve known for 4 years that, short of death, Trump would be the Republicans’ nominee in 2024. The margin of his wins in Republican primaries and caucuses makes no difference, whatever the headlines and pundits say. We will have to fight using what we have, which will be - again, short of death - be Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket, and all the down ballot Democrats across the country. Every last one of them should make it clear that constitutional democracy is at stake.

I sometimes want to kill or otherwise facilitate death of russians.

Any russians, to be honest. The level of animosity is comparable to the level of animosity my guerilla-fighter ancestors felt towards germans and romanians.

The funny thing is that russans dying is not at odds with putin's plan. It's hard to figure out what to do... I may or may not have been engaged in direct action last year and it may or may not had felt way better than how I feel now, where I don't have an outlet.

Maybe some of my followers have some intel projects that need some automation, data processing, data cleaning or some social engineering projects where a person fluent in russian can help?

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