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The result of my Saturday hacking is a complete #nix flake ❄️ for #asciinema 🎉

If you're on #nixos (or running nix elsewhere, including #macos) then you can run the latest version with:

nix run github:asciinema/asciinema

You can also enter the development shell by running (in the source code checkout):

nix develop

Identity is the enemy of change. Be extremely careful what you identify with, lest you be adverse to positive change.

@Tim_Eagon it's actually an interesting sub-plot for a horror-themed adventure. A wizard offers nobles immortality, turns them into sentient monuments.

'Sup dawg, we heard you like , so we put into your so that you can `nix-collect-garbage` while you `docker system prune`.

> Total reclaimed space: 28.08GB

Bird poop on one's face is the price of immortality.

@ross okay, we were talking about different things then. I was talking about the Nix "drama" (I absolutely agree with your sentiment that this is a bad and unnuanced way to put it).

Sorry for coming off too strong and assuming things!

@googlyeyesonmagiccards ok, after this toot, it's official. We need proxy channel with your comments as flavour texts on cards.

@NotMyBub I go to when I need to see a doctor because in the we're on the opposite end of things. Everything is technically free, but impossible to get. And private hellthcare is, well, same as in the States.

@Whidou uh oh! I already announced 27th! I'll edit while I can.

@e_eric, can you do 4th?

@cab404 I mean, I presume that the mice they sell do have microcontrollers in them. Currently some people from Latvia with suspiciously slavic surnames are facing jail sentences for selling microcontrollers. (See situation I reported on).

I normally:

- Gather information,
- If the company is in the EU, I use my own channels to report,
- If the company is outside EU, I just shitpost and hope for best

@cab404 re posing as a commie vs not posing as a commie, I just shot a mail to them for shits and giggles, not really expecting anyone to reply, because lietral 5 seconds of due dilligence would make it obvious that I'm not based in russia, but...

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