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As per the post of @ose_rouge goes: also today the #JewishBrigades and their sympathizers could not take part in the yearly commemoration of liberation from fascism in #Milan #Milano today without extra security. These attacks against the Brigades from #ProPalestine organizations have a inglorious tradition.

italina liberation, nazifascism, back then and now 

Italian liberation, nazifascism, back then and now 

download everything. that service is going to die. be your own librarian.

#LogTape is a logging library for #JavaScript and #TypeScript. It provides a simple and flexible logging system that is easy to use and easy to extend. The highlights of LogTape are:

• Zero dependencies
• Designed to be used in libraries as well as apps
• Supports virtually every runtime: #Node.js, #Deno, #Bun, edge functions, and browsers
• Structured logging
• Logger categories (names) are hierarchical
• Dead simple sink (destination) interface

I want to do two things in life — help kill russian occupants (or kill russian occupants) and write in . 😭

Such opportunities, alas, are rare and far between.

A 3rd cell type. I'm sat watching these things dance around each other when I should be working.

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The result of my Saturday hacking is a complete #nix flake ❄️ for #asciinema 🎉

If you're on #nixos (or running nix elsewhere, including #macos) then you can run the latest version with:

nix run github:asciinema/asciinema

You can also enter the development shell by running (in the source code checkout):

nix develop

Identity is the enemy of change. Be extremely careful what you identify with, lest you be adverse to positive change.

@Tim_Eagon it's actually an interesting sub-plot for a horror-themed adventure. A wizard offers nobles immortality, turns them into sentient monuments.

'Sup dawg, we heard you like , so we put into your so that you can `nix-collect-garbage` while you `docker system prune`.

> Total reclaimed space: 28.08GB

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