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Bird poop on one's face is the price of immortality.

@ross okay, we were talking about different things then. I was talking about the Nix "drama" (I absolutely agree with your sentiment that this is a bad and unnuanced way to put it).

Sorry for coming off too strong and assuming things!

@googlyeyesonmagiccards ok, after this toot, it's official. We need proxy channel with your comments as flavour texts on cards.

@NotMyBub I go to when I need to see a doctor because in the we're on the opposite end of things. Everything is technically free, but impossible to get. And private hellthcare is, well, same as in the States.

@Whidou uh oh! I already announced 27th! I'll edit while I can.

@e_eric, can you do 4th?

@cab404 I mean, I presume that the mice they sell do have microcontrollers in them. Currently some people from Latvia with suspiciously slavic surnames are facing jail sentences for selling microcontrollers. (See situation I reported on).

I normally:

- Gather information,
- If the company is in the EU, I use my own channels to report,
- If the company is outside EU, I just shitpost and hope for best

@cab404 re posing as a commie vs not posing as a commie, I just shot a mail to them for shits and giggles, not really expecting anyone to reply, because lietral 5 seconds of due dilligence would make it obvious that I'm not based in russia, but...

Russian weekly oil refining is near an 11-month low as flooding hampers operations and repairs to plants affected by drone attacks slow down.

Earlier this year, drones targeted key Russian refineries, causing their partial or complete shutdown. There’s been no further damage during the past month, giving operators time to conduct repairs, yet the pace of recovery has slowed.

#Ukraine #Russia

Generally, limiting Ukraine from attacking Russian territory with the military aid is problematic.

Russia will never stop, as long it does not hurt them massively to contrarily to continue their little special operation.

Russia can bomb a good party of the Ukrainian territory directly from Russia.

So forbidding Ukraine to attack Russian territory is like making them fight with one hand bound on the back. Because Russia has no problem bombing Western Ukraine even if that

@cab404 feel free to ban me from your channel, I'll find other ways to learn about companies that deal with russia 🤷‍♀️

Even if they would have been selling actual sugar (not ryazan one), I'd report [on] this stuff.

@Whidou @e_eric okay, I have sharpied it into the calendar. I'll allocate the whole UTC+1 day (I wake up around 9AM), will be ready to start whenever :D

@e_eric oh, Whidou answered. How about Thursday, the 2nd of May?!

Earlier this month I have confirmed that is shipping electronics to .

To confirm that it's not a fluke, I have sent an E-Mail under my name posing as a commie and seems like their CEO has answered. 🤡

@EU_Commission do you have buddies in by chance? This stuff is not ok.

@ross also, can we, for the sake of constructive conversations, start talking about things precisely? This is another thing that makes me sad: ex-fellow lefties posting vague stuff like your toot and having the readers guess if they understood the context and the exact reference correctly or it's something entirely different.

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