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We've extracted basic test test tasks into separate repositories. This way individuals and companies can try out our work for (as in beer).

I will help up to 5 of those who hire or developers make use of them without buying evaluations over at

Hit me up for a 15' call:

They went to war when Russia invaded Ukraine. They believed in Freedom, the right to live in their own land
They laid down their lives for Ukraine & Europe

RIP - Serhii Slavinskyi, Serhii Pohuliako, Yurii Romaniuk, Belarusian fighter Mikhail Shavelsky


@professorhank I can give you a link, but please don't share it *at all*. They were made by a guy from the community over many many years and we're keeping the project alive and accessible for new people to enjoy only because of the implied trust that nobody will share links.

@professorhank wait wait wait! You may want to watch extended straight away.

You can be anti-marxist (against building genocidal regimes) and pro-social justice.

Don't let communist brainwashing turn you into a tool. Let's fght the inequality together, perform direct action: corporations speak the language of money, so vandalism is a perfect hotline.

But let's never fucking create societies where an ambiguously defined group of people, which changes from month to month, is used as an excuse for a yet another, distinct group of people to kill everyone else.


@wdsouth yes it does and it is amazing! I personally am gonna run some sandbox arc more or less in spirit of game, probably fair-using IP, but if you want to run yours in a more mad-maxian style, it would be great! (I love changing game moderators during campaigns).

We use for mapping and for voice chat.

@wdsouth hi, Will! I love and I got into recently.

I also really want to get a group going for playing an adaptation of for , a system I made for being tactical and crunchy while being extremely beginner-friendly.

If you want to play online, it would be a banger.

Looking to add more friends to my feed/messages :D (Always lol)

Feel free to interact with this post if you are into any of the following (Boosts are GREATLY appreciated)

- #MTG (The card game, not the crone)
- #yugioh
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- #StardewValley
- #Ethics in #Technology
- Late night conversations
- Random recipes
- Vaguely pining for one another and being awkward about it in the light of day
- #Penpals
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- #History (I love mocking #AncientAliens too)

@66gardeners interesting, I think I have their instance in for a loooooooooooong time!

Men will literally burn down a rainforest to avoid giving an artist $20 to draw an image.

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