@catsalad it's sifting-through-my-contact-list-to-do-lukewarm-outreach-to-find-customers-for-my-startup-which-I-self-funded-because-I-don't-like-VC-money-and-I-think-that-it's-valuable-enough-for-people-to-be-excited-about-in-terms-of-how-much-money-it-saves-to-them-but-for-some-reason-I-can't-get-my-first-customer-and-I'm-lost,-sad-and-scared time for me #oversharing
@redsad this is how I learned @googlyeyesonmagiccards is single.
@hazelnot @luckytran omg it happened to me today in #London, but it was a russian woman, so make of this what you will.
My plan for #CD refactoring for #ZeroHR:
https://github.com/numtide/system-manager/tree/main — allows to configure non-NixOS systemd declaratively using Nix programming language.
https://github.com/serokell/deploy-rs — allows to do non-privileged deploys using #nix flakes. Works on non-NixOS linuxes via home-manager.
https://github.com/getsops/sops — for secret management capability, integratable with deploy-rs[1].
[1]: https://samleathers.com/posts/2022-02-11-my-new-network-and-sops.html
@adron oh, I get it now. I thought you're asking about climbing. You can change mine to "kind of" because putting legs on the table was considered to be a capitalist / Western thing in soviet union, which got engraved into my family during the occupation.
I think it was specifically for tables and was modesty-centric.
I understand that #nix fetchers "set a dangerous precedent" and this is why, say, #srht fetcher or other fetchers won't ever be accepted and #github shall have that socially privileged status...
But I also want to confess that the existence of fetchers make me so happy.
I really don't mind hosting or mirroring my stuff on #github because I don't have the time to pick _alll_ the battles.
@luckytran is this the US? 0 dirty looks here in the UK.
@w here's a small game I wrote as part of a birthday present for my ex: https://github.com/cognivore/107.inform/blob/main/Source/story.ni
I loved working on it, felt so decadent and weird! But also, not that I use some libraries by Emily Short and others.
BTW! Did you play Counterfeit Monkey? It's so good.
@w omg! Welcome to the ranks. Arguably you'll gain some functionality, but lose modern libraries if you use #Inform6. For example, implementing a turing machine in #inform6 is way easier than in #inform7. (I had this challenge with my friend almost a decade ago lol).
What I find crazy is how the top three tweets that got synced to my instance of yours are:
- Privacy
- Inform
- Nix
How are humans so similar lol.
Oh funny timing for my tweet. It's also #NixCon time.
I helped organise the first ever NixCon back in 2015. I should at least attend in 2025.
I want to cry from how close from useful #Linux we are thanks to #Nix and #NixCommunity. 😍
i am once again asking for mobile operating systems to have a "lie" option next to "allow" and "deny" for permissions like location, notifications, files, camera, nearby devices, etc. that generates sensible garbage to poison tracking profiles
a global "lie" toggle that causes all but a few trusted apps to receive false information would also be nice, if you're going to a protest or a sensitive medical appointment
wouldn't do much if your os vendor was an ad tech company (which is the case on pretty much everything but a linux or rooted android phone without google play services) but it would be a very cool feature for an android custom rom to add at the very least
@Chrishallbeck mood
Without FFmpeg, we couldn't watch YouTube, yet the people who maintain FFmpeg don't get paid. Tell your employer to join the Pledge and #PayTheMaintainers!
@googlyeyesonmagiccards omg are we finally gonna learn what is fun and interactive Magic?!
That https://doma.dev guy
#lean #rust #typescript #react #nix
In my non-existent free time I design and run #TTRPG
If you use tools made by genocide-apologists, you are a genocide-apologist.
#lemmy users aren't welcome here.