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If someone told me this four years ago, I would tell them that they are insane. But...

Can we *please* have have back? Our current PM acts like a traitor, after posing as the leader of free world for a couple of days.

Trump’s goal all along was to end military aid to Ukraine. That’s why he offered a “peace deal” with no security guarantees and set up that fight with President Zelenskyy knowing no sane leader would accept it.

You may ask yourself: what is their end-game? When american society is destabilised enough to succumb to total violence, they will be on every hit list.

If they stay, they will repeat chaushescu's and miloshevitch's destiny. So they have to take the Cambridge five / snowden way out.

❗️🇺🇸 Trump administration proposes to sell 443 federal properties, including Justice Department and FBI headquarters - Reuters

@proscience that's exactly my point though. After the war in central Europe, some pacts shall crumble too.

Latvijas politiķiem jāapzinās, ka šobrīd sabiedrībā vairs netic tam, ka ASV ir uzticams NATO partneris. Man nākas uzklausīt dažādus cilvēkus, kas nu ir pārliecināti, ka krīzes gadījumā ASV neiejauksies. Amatpersonu runas par ASV kā stratēģisko partneri šo sajūtu tikai pastiprina- #mani_novērojumi.

@proscience I'm sorry for my language btw. It is wishful thinking, but so was Scandinavian NATO membership and Baltic state independence. Thing is that and and, to a lesser degree, form an ongoing security threat to , even if we set aside morality. So this will have to be addressed anyway. The only question is before or after .

@proscience hungary is kinda smol in terms of gdp and corrupt as fuck. If had spine, the fuckers would have bullied.

Also, remember – hungary DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR EU MEMBERSHIP as it stands. So a simple fucking compliance accreditation system once every 4 years would have ensured that clownish shit faced bullshit that is going on for since 2022 would never happen.


1. By making an ultimatum to the hungarian dictator.
2. They probably know someone who can make an ultimatum to the hungarian dictator.

Yo, |ers, do we have like... An consulate or something? Let's go for a protest this weekend?

It's useless to protest by consulate, but a EU one could just send the message.


I continue to be amazed how willing so many people in the collective west are to throw the liberalism that built their wellbeing under the bus, and let their children take the brunt of what ever comes to replace it, which is likely some form of tyranny.

Yes. Liberalism is hard. It’s much harder than letting somebody else think for you.

But all this ’wokeness’ was literally the thing that kept the nazis under and not in the halls of power. Drop it and they’re back!

Question to my followers:

So you think of the PRC promised to reduce the trade deficit by 5% would #Trump the traitor negotiate for them a peace treaty with Taiwan?

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