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A nice heuristic for architects and project managers.

When you promote an objective to a requirement, don't forget to demote at least one requirement to objective.

VoD of me interviewing Saša Jurić about the state of in 2021.

If you wonder why use and what's its future, come watch us chat.

I really liked the game #sonic06, but it did have some flaws. If games were released under an open license these kinds of issusewould be more managable I think. I wonder how it would be if the majority of games were open? Probably there would be a lot of user content and glitches could be fixed. #sonic

Having to do finite element analysis really makes me miss the first years of university where it was just solving maths and some physics on paper. So to those who are studying enjoy it guys whilst you can!

Here's the snowy theme
it's a port, but fairly significant modification, of one of the really olllllld emacs-color-themes themes (before the modern tooling)

naquadah is... well, only a slight modification to the upstream naquadah, probably not worth sharing that bit

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Some day I'll start a cheatcheet.

It's almost impossible to write code without stutters. Like now I'm again looking for a simple way to go from Shell Line to IO [Text] or even from Line to Text.

Coming up in ~2 hours, I'm giving at talk on @spritelyproject's at FOSDEM: "
Spritely Goblins: a distributed journey"

This one has some very interesting bits about how we might collaborate with the Guile and Guix worlds too!

This is my new favorite talk.
> #Spritely Goblins: a distributed journey [ #FOSDEM 2021]

The bits about #Guix are also very exciting.

cc @cwebber thank you for all this amazing work you're doing

Tried to log in to with .

How does it know to which subreddits to add me? Also, good thing I don't give a shit about , so at least one miss.

Now that I think about it, it's likely related to google search.

But I look for documentation, why not add me to /r/haskell?..

Confused and disgusted :D

Upgrading my mail server. I hope it'll go well.

Here's something it told me to look at[1], and also, it says (as a part of upgrading 'cloud-init') that /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg format is updated.

Let's see what happens when we reboot.

This talk gave me a glimpse of how to implement functional maps a la Clojure

because I never met this kind of trees before

How do I complain to about @Google
limiting my right to use Internet by refusing to deliver E-Mail I send from my own E-Mail server (set up complying with all the standards of usage of E-Mail protocols) to my therapist?

It is absolutely clear that this malpractice is in place to maintain oligopoly of @Google
, @Microsoft
and @Apple
when it comes to E-Mail delivery.

Indeed, @gmail
E-Mail addresses are easily the biggest source of SPAM mail my company receives.

If they wanted to fix SPAM, they'd work out a [non-intrusive wink-wink] way to track similarities between outbound E-Mails and ban consumer mailboxes that send out E-Mails that are too similar.

By the way, I'm not joking, I want to follow through and I have a legal department, but before engaging lawyers, I would like to have an approximate plan, that's why I turn to / .

If you have experience in filing complaints to EU commission, hmu!

Sent littlejohn an E-Mail saying goodbye to , included a computer-generated fan-art.

I guess it's time to get back to reading, but also to write more! can see some love, and my pod on circumlunar too.

I think that applications shouldn't have an "exit shortcut".

We never exit things anyway, and probably can kill a process with a signal if we really mean to. (On any platform, Windows included).

This is my grudge about UX. I never remember how to close a tab, click `q` and the whole thing closes.

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