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For British eyes only 

My special #PeerTube instance geared towards creators is up and running. I'm in the process of migrating over myself, before I shut down my personal instance.

Still looking for creators interested in putting videos on it. Feel free to DM me! In the meantime, check it out:

Searching for a company that might be interested in participating in creating a sovereign league that is not bound by organised play programme.

Please ask around in your marketing department if your employer would be interested in this.

My very first validator.

At first I was kind of repelled by the notion of validators in ecto because, as Alexis King teaches us mere mortals, "parse, not validate".

But then I realised that ecto validators don't discard error / success information (see xor_mark_as_required and xor_insert_errors). So I am content.

1. MobileCoin premines 250m coins

2. Moxie is paid for being on their board

3. Moxie directs non-profit Signal to integrate MobileCoin

4. MobileCoin offers 50% of their premine for sale.

5. Signal/Mobilecoin news spikes price to $60

This is why we need decentralization.

Oh yeah, baby, nice UX to insert stuff into the database.

Important bit is that we just supplied PK as a string and we let Ecto figure out how to fetch it...

I wish there was a cache layer so that I don't have to query stuff every time I make a changeset...

There isn't much that is similar to a pure joy of using new technology for the first time.

My first insert into an -powered :

@jonn @cwebber @bugaevc

Basically I ran into this issue after my system crashed mid rebuild:

The solution was to do

sudo nixos-rebuild switch -I

and use the nixpkgs tarball directly. Pretty cool that that's possible

Delete Chrome. Now.

Google is using its exceptionally powerful position to make *the browser itself* analyze your browsing behavior and serve that on a plate in the form of "cohorts" to anyone interested.

They are transforming Chrome into a "browsing-history-passport" - right now.

If you care about your intellectual freedom even a little bit, you must put Chrome out of your life as soon as possible. Support others doing the same.


Had to look up a hint for "the Goat Puzzle".
So embarrassed, I think I could've solved it, since I've spotted the main element of the puzzle myself.

While thinking about a way for users to control their identity, disclosing nothing by default AND high availability / replication, I came up with the notion of disclosure event logs.

After just a little bit of tinkering with the definition, it turned out that it's getting modelled with existing approach to credentials / claims really well.

I love that immediate positive feedback on design and architecture.

I really like the fact that there is a very high theoretical ceiling for

Our colleagues from other companies that are working on modern identity-related products are already investigating usage of to reduce correlation attack surfaces.

A rare occurrence when being in cryptocurrency business since 2013 pays off — I already understand quite some stuff about zero knowledge cryptographic systems, so it won't be too hard to catch up! 🏃

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