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After some lurking, I found a third-party SMTP backend for that thing. It seems to adapt gen_smtp to a more hip library. I hope it's worth it and I won't waste a bunch of time to then fall back to the low-level.

Just to be clear, I'm so frustrated not because someone wrote a nice multiadapter library, I'm upset that when you duckduckgo or even google "how to send E-Mail with Elixir", you get this as the first result.

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I'm fucking screaming. This is how we send mail in 2022 as a society.

Just imagine having that awesome distributed protocol that matured for decades to be replaced by three mainstream companies.

I have no words lol.

Julien Palmer or what's his face, is such a right-wing fuck. I would like to bring the old commentators to .

Drew a Becekew Warbler.
Within the Becekew forest, we find the B, C, K, and W birds. The first bird that we observe is the Warbler, which repeats the second word. This bird's song is similar to the Mockingbird, which repeats the first word.


i read a thing recently that blew my mind a little.
went something like:

people can imagine time travel to the past and one little act making massive differences in the timeline

but in their present they think even the greatest effort they can put in will not make any difference to the future

Plucking Assertions out of for ultimate programming experience with library.

mh psa, self worth 

Ukraine: hello, can you please stop financing the people killing us?

EU: we might have to put on a thicker sweater if we did that so I’m afraid that’s a no.

Stop buying Russian fossil fuels!

Our comfort is not more important than Ukrainian lives.

So... I've been tweeting at @EU_Commission and other EU entities that Germany is an embarrassment to the bloc and then Germany started acting a little less in the interests of Russia and a little more in the interests of the free world as represented by the Ukrainian struggle.

I know that likely these entities literally don't give a fuck, but as a Latvian citizen, I would love to ask EC, MEPs and others — please deal with Hungary swiftly!

My radicalisation against hungarians is so big, I choose to not play RBR.

racial question in Germany, silly 

in 2022: however would we capture closures while serialising arrows?

, 1989: hold my beer

Aware of anyone violating EU sanctions on Russia or Belarus?

We have created an online tool for whistleblowers to contact us and report violations of EU sanctions.

Make a report 👉

@groovestomp I have a hypothesis that it may have something to do with the fact that I cranked FFB all the way up. Or perhaps GPU meltdown.

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