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Seb: the best control player of the motor racing. Amazing job! Inspirational professionalism.

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Is this even legal? too stronk. Rooting for really hard this season. I hope won't fall off like it did last season. is a ruthless car though.

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logo on the top place of the podium in Monte. Good job, Nikolajs! In such a competitive field. The most competitive field in the history of the series!

Let's go!

Russian “diplomats” are just another wing of a terrorist organization. They have no place in democratic countries.

Yo, people, our rally beginner team that consists of a tarmac specialist and a gravel crew / pace notes guy (me) needs a mechanic, since we're racing on default setups, which isn't optimal.

@alesgenova there's a short rally:, just around 60 km, the last stage is the one that we did in Monte.

It has a shakedown 11km companion rally:

Starts on 26th.

That said, I kind of feel like I'd like to push a little bit. I really enjoyed the "be brave" straights and the places where I was breaking later than I wanted to to be 100% safe. 🤣

If you're a software developer who ever worked for an employer who had you track time hourly into specific projects/customer accounts and you were short on time budget, did you:

WTF is going on? Russia is clearly a security threat and the security service just ignored it.

MI5 refused to investigate ‘Russian spy’s’ links to Tories, says whistleblower | Conservatives | The Guardian

The 1970's brain drain is back…says the man who is responsible for it !

If you were hit by the recent FAANG layoffs: that sucks, I'm sorry, but do you see now why tech workers need to unionise just as urgently as any other industry?

RT @EHunterChristie
And this is why Berlin tried to create a linkage between supplying Leopards and supplying U.S. Abrams. It was because the latter idea is deeply impractical. The goal was to generate a pretext for doing nothing. It was calculated and completely dishonourable.

A unix question i periodically ask:

What modern utilities should be a standard part of a modern unixy distro? Why?

I've got jq, pandoc, tldr and a few others on my list, but I'd love to know others; boosts appreciated.

Let's reflect upon how good Takamoto Katsuta is.

Seconds off pace of the best of the best. He was also leading against Ogier on one of the stages today. So good. So much progress since I started following the sport in 2019.

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- Половина росії - вічна мерзота.
- Може, мерзлота?
- То інша половина...

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