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Colon instead of parentheses or even a period would be way more powerful here.

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@alesgenova I did some time trials on - ... Still, my time trial pace is slower than your event pace in the same car :D

I need to learn so much...

@jonn I absolutely appreciate the nudge. Beyond Deep isn't out yet but pdf will be coming soon amd hard copy shipping out by end of February

That's it for the day, sorry for lack of thorough proof-reading, but in the spirit of , I'm just putting things out there, hopefully for others to pick up and play with.

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January 16th supporting entry. Necromancer feature collection, appropriately, hosts -inspired turn rules on the other side of the index card.

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January 15th supporting entry. Wolffolk, morale, fear and charm. A double-sided feature collection along with some game rules.

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January 14th supporting entry. A meso-american inspired spy feature collection. An single-sided index card.

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January 13th supporting entry. "A Deckhand" feature collection. An single-sided index card.

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Currently running a total conversion of Ominous Crypt of Blood Moss. It creates a very nice environment. The third room the players visited was the treasure:tm: room, the first room they visited was the boss:tm: room. Are they close to consecrating the crypt as the Cleric of Death asked them? Eh. We'll see on the session 2!

So I just caught #Facebook traversing a public share on my #Nextcloud server, the link for which I had only sent to a couple of people via Facebook Messenger, and downloading individual files from inside the folder that was shared. Gonna throw together a video clip on it in a bit.

#privacy #security #cybersecurity

Apparently my job here on #Mastodon is to boost a LOT of posts. And I'm OK with that, really. Most of you seem to like it. 🤷‍♀️

But as a periodic reminder for those who might be overwhelmed by it all, you don't have to unfollow or mute me to turn off the firehose.

Simply click on my avatar to see my profile and then click on the "..." menu to choose "Hide boosts from donmelton."

That's it. That will turn off the spigot but still show posts like this one.

Thanks for following! ❤️

PagerDuty is laying off 7% of their workforce and the announcement includes a quote from MLK and it's just *chef's kiss* perfect and why the show Silicon Valley is no longer on because there is nothing left to parody about the tech industry

Wrapping it up for the day, will do my best to catch up with "ongoing" by posting content over the course of this week.

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January 12th entry: "an elementalist" feature collection. Single-sided index card.

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Catching up with vacation. January 10th entry: the ALPHA2 version of the Character Creation double-sided index card.

Watch this. Extremely powerful stuff around 25 minute mark where the Ukrainian fighter is talking about how russians conduct genocide in Ukrainian villages.

To russians who wonder "what's going to happen to them during the next years":

Note how Goebbels even uses the history misrepresentation!

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