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TikTok: Look! I discovered hot water melts frozen food faster!

Twitter: Look at this TikTok video showing how to defrost your food faster!

Yahoo news: Millions of Twitter users view TikTok video showing new life hack for melting frozen food!

Mastodon: Please read my academic white paper describing the impacts of public school system underfunding

Substitoot is a Firefox addon that transparently loads missing replies to boosted toots in your feed directly from the source server.

- It does it more often than it should (I'll add some checks next week) but the experience is still better than without it.
- There is certainly some potential for vulnerabilities.
- There is no Mozilla-signed release yet but it's possible to do a "temporary install".

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Somebody has put Meta AI's ChatGPT-equivalent model weights on bittorrent and even raised a pull request for it:

And now it turns out, something like ChatGPT can in fact run on laptop-class hardware!! :undefined:

#machinelearning #openai #chatgpt #meta #facebook

Spotify: 25000 people listened to your album, we’ll never tell you who they are and how they found you! Here’s $1.74.

Bandcamp: 30 people bought your album and left a comment! Here’s $250.

There are only 14 countries in the world that offer full legal rights to women. The US is not one of them.

Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands

So I set out to solve the "no replies to boosted toots" problem earlier today.

And now I have a solution, but it's a really, really bad solution. But it does seem to work. (only in Firefox, only on desktop)

(there is no signed XPI yet and I'm not certain it will be signed. but I did submit, for lulz.)

@jonn If you are using direnv, you can go through old projects and delete environments for those. Sadly, there are no good ways to manage garbage in NixOS, alas it's scriptable.

nix-store --gc --print-roots | grep '.direnv' | awk '{ "nix-store --query --size \""$3"\"" |& getline size; printf("%sMB\t %s -> %s \n", size / 1000000, $1, $3 ) }' | sort -h

I'm pretty convinced that if I didn't have a family, I'd be in Ukraine right now... But since I do have a family I'm just quietly hating myself for being away from the people who became my closest friends from mere acquaintances over the course of the last year and one month.

Some of them tell me to stay the fuck home, write code, earn money and donate to . Which is fair enough.

Perhaps, a fuck with an anxiety disorder isn't even needed in Ukraine right now?..

Otoh, ngl, my anxiety disorder is very weird. I'm not scared of stuff like mountain biking or downhill in inline skates, which normies would lose their shit about, whereas tall buildings and bridges make me really scared.

Sorry for this long-compilation-time rant.

Slava Ukraini! Thinking about you and working to help y'all every day 🙏

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I don't want to write code, I just want to go to .

tfw when your project has a runtime binary dependency you call via syscall from . and you have building from source instructions to test which you have to rebuild your project

⏲️ 🚱

"Oh the irony" indeed...!

(Text with statue of George Orwell situated outside Broadcasting House, the headquarters of the #BBC, in London.)

"If liberty means anything at all
it means the right to tell people
what they do not want to hear."

#Lineker #uk #ukpolitics

This statement by the Board of Deputies of British Jews disagrees with the Tories immigration policy and its breaches of Human Rights Act and Refugee Convention.

Braverman cynically used her Jewish husband, and Grant Schapps MP and Express Journalist Peter Hitchens cynically used their Jewish status as cover for this odious policy.


Press release: Board of Deputies of British Jews

09 March 2023

Board of Deputies: ‘Significant concerns’ over migration legislation

I dislike running out of HDD and then having to run `nix-collect-garbage` in the middle of hacking, but ok.

Can Tories please stop existing now? Please? Literally the only good thing Torie govts have done for the UK has done for its people is the continued somewhat substantial support for Ukraine.

The UK's Online Safety Bill is poised to undermine encryption and create a regime of mass surveillance. Our president
@Mer__edith calls on the UK to reconsider this misguided Bill, and affirms that Signal will *never* undermine our privacy commitments:

Dear everyone, you can literally save the life of my friend by donating however much or little you can to the fundraiser for a drone for the defenders of .


As the victory increases the morale, I'm nonetheless concerned about the fact that the core of my army is significantly weaker than the Germans, so it'll be very hard to go on the offence any time soon.

Perhaps, a strategic retreat is in order even if Stavka offers a push under order 227?..

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