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War, propaganda 

Remember, isn't your friend. His people are now giving platform to "vagner group".

Yup, this is real.

And this is the first story of their "news programme".

Thanks to , we get to learn about the new lows of navalny people.

Every time russians destroy civilian infrastructure and kill people, everyone's determination to avenge the dead grows. If you didn't denounce russia by Bucha revelations, you are my personal enemy and enemy of my friends across the world. Watch your back.


I'm glad that I'm not the only person who called the founder of out for bigotry.

RT @lesiavasylenko
#putin launches 23 missiles on #Ukraine tonight, and @Pernod_Ricard decides to re-launch sales of @jamesonwhiskey to #russia. Guess #kremlin needs more money to kill more Ukrainians 🤷‍♀️ @GarretAhearn thank you for raising this issue in #Ireland


Remember to take what russians say and do with a grain of salt, even when they look OK at a glance.

The stories of, and @drq personally are a good example of self-proclaimed "good russians" being imperialist xenopohbes.

Yesterday, Jonathan Brouwer defended his master thesis on implementing dependently typed languages in the Spoofax language workbench. You can find the pdf at

I was really pleasantly surprised at the nice things that modern language workbench technology has on offer, and would definitely consider it when prototyping a new language. The main drawback is the limited control over how implicit arguments are solved, but since a prototype will often not even have implicits, even a basic unifier is nice to have.

One thing I'm still missing is a way to export the specification of the type system to a proof assistant so I can prove things about it. Perhaps Statix2Agda would be a nice topic for another master thesis?

white people i am begging you to recognize that emotional blankness/neutrality is not a positive attribute but the fact that you value it is a sign of how your society has been engineered to divorce you of your humanity

Today on Between Two Cairns, @bradkerr and I review Cold Wind Whispering and answer a bunch of questions from Gus L.

@yrashk btw, if you want omnigress to be featured in the first release of , we can 100% include a test task for it. We're now in a process of making a basic test task that we'll port a lot, once we finalse the spec, we'll send it to you, s. t. you can port the skeleton of the task and then would be able to promote your framework...

To sum up where the Fediverse is right now:

1. @EU_Commission backs it
2. The @w3c backs it
3. @fsf backs it
4. @eff backs it
5. Twitter Co-Founders @ev and @biz back it
7. Web browsers like @mozilla and @Vivaldi back it
8. Prominent 3rd party client devs like @paul backs it
9. @gruber and @davew back it
10. @georgetakei backs it

Am I missing anyone?

Oh yeah, YOU back it!

Problem 2: New folks are exposed to too much chatter about fancy type theory. It burns them out before they get even started, hence they get pushed towards keeping things "pragmatic". Languages which are "multi-paradigm", "immutable by default, but mutation is allowed" and so on.

To use an analogy - vim, on a much smaller scale, has a similar problem. The learning curve is steep and requires a lot of motivation to get started. Now imagine if the most common topic of discussion amongst vimmers was the theory behind movement operators and they focused more on proofs of some key combinations being the shortest way to do something. Such an environment would turn people off vim very fast. Thankfully this is not the case, and vim still has a growing and passionate community.

Pushing newbies away has a very real cost on the evolution of a community. It's an interesting realisation I had recently - Programming language tooling and ecosystem work is a young person's game. People burn out, family and friends get more important, and they have less time to contribute as prolifically as they used to. If a community doesn't focus on people new to the community, it will stagnate.

So what is it that is the most common topic of discussion amongst vimmers? It's *how to do something in vim*, how to use the key combinations to the fullest, which plugins are the most useful in the ecosystem, and how to improve the ecosystem itself.

The fancy type theory and the mathematical / categorical aspects of Haskell have their place of course. And people *will* discuss what they find most interesting, agreed. However, we should take steps to insulate new people from these discussions by making it so that they don't have to wade through forum discussions or blog posts to get answers to basic questions.


#Haskell #FunctionalProgramming #Rust

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Not an Org exporting extension per se, but each of my projects now has a workflow that runs a script on push, so I can write Org documents for my projects’ repositories and get a Markdown README file generated automatically.

#emacs #orgmode

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"don't over-engineer human relationships like we did single page apps" 🙏

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