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Shadow Lines, Cyprus DLR

Colour version of this shot. I purposely went out to capture photography of this lovely occurrence at Cyprus Docklands Light Railway station. I really love the dramatic shadows created by the architecture here!

#streetphotography #streetphoto #railway #photography #photographer #london #mastoart #art #underground #londonunderground #potd #tiling #shadows

A cryptobro DMed me to ask if I wanted to join his mailing list.

I spent slightly too long making this to send in reply.


What we decided to do instead is to define two macros on the side. `defprod` is `defdata` that doesn't generate default constructors. It should be compatible with `defsum` out of the box, but we, for the time being, have the "no-new" counterpart called `defunion`.

Because unions are cool.

This way we don't break existing code, but allow easy to write smart constructors that don't upset .

The code is already live in the fork:

There's so much top-level content on Youtube to learn bleeding edge stuff from and it has like 100 views.

I won't give an example of what made me write this toot, because it's made in the enemy country, but yeah.

We're leaps and bounds away from , so much stuff that's even better, and it's a tremendously high bar to set.

I think that **healthy** (mentally & physically) people with access to computers / mobile phones that complain about them not being able to change anything in their lives are, well, wrong.

This is the first time ever we've worked on a deadline. And a deadline set by Google 😅

We've met our targets but hoping for a period of calm before the inevitable sunset of GA4. Here's to no more deadlines for a couple of years!

Seems like is the pick if you value sanity? 🤔


IT'S WHERE THE WATER LOOKS EASIEST AND SAFEST, with no waves breaking or rolling in.


If you get caught in a rip, DON'T FIGHT IT. You can't swim back to shore against it; you will become exhausted and drown.

Instead, SWIM ACROSS IT, parallel to shore. You'll soon be out of the current and can then easily swim back.

Boost, please, and make sure your friends and family know this when they hit the beach.

I'm surprised that people seem to discuss the fact that we're on a brink of a nuclear disaster which shall sweep radioactive fallout across many countries of .

Please remind your reps about Zaporizhye nuclear plant. Thanks.

Are we on the brink of nuclear catastrophy?

Ukrainian chief of military intelligence warns, Russia has mined both the cooling pond and the power units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

This is the exact moment where it should be made crystal clear to Putin, that such an attack would unleash the full military power of NATO.

I love James Hoffmann's coffee channel on YouTube.

Discovered it a few months ago, and watch it regularly.

Highly recommended.

I said to my german friend 'why have you got a piece of meat in the boot of your car' he replied 'that is my spare veal'

DiagramGPT -

I was sceptical regarding the DiagramGPT tool, but I made some experiments - free text, docker compose file, source code in multiple program languages. And it just works. And it has an API, making generating living documentation even simpler.

#SoftwareDocumentation #LivingDocumentation #AITools

When were you born? I'm just curious about age split in my observable #Fediverse :)

Pls retoot for a wider reach! Gracias :)

Today we celebrate “Jāņi” or Midsummer. Watch our Guide to Latvia episode 3 about our traditions here in Latvia 🇱🇻

#midsummer #midsommar #latvia #folk #mikrotik

rescue 5 rich guys: around the clock media coverage and no expense is too much, because life is utmost concern
rescue countless poor people: rot in jail for 20y you terrorist!!1!

If you are implementing #TypeSystems and would like to present your work or discuss with likeminded people in beautiful Braga, consider submitting a 1-page abstract to #WITS23. The deadline is in one week, I know you can do it!

#Haskell #Agda #Coq #Idris #Lean #Rust #Scala #OCaml #etc

I'd like to try Sublime Text

I can't decide if I want to install it from Flathub or from Snap

I want a completely FLAWLESS user experience

I don't want silly clueless dialog windows, I don't want ANY glitch

I'd rather stay with Emacs

Ay hint appreciated


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