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download everything. that service is going to die. be your own librarian.

#LogTape is a logging library for #JavaScript and #TypeScript. It provides a simple and flexible logging system that is easy to use and easy to extend. The highlights of LogTape are:

• Zero dependencies
• Designed to be used in libraries as well as apps
• Supports virtually every runtime: #Node.js, #Deno, #Bun, edge functions, and browsers
• Structured logging
• Logger categories (names) are hierarchical
• Dead simple sink (destination) interface

I want to do two things in life — help kill russian occupants (or kill russian occupants) and write in . 😭

Such opportunities, alas, are rare and far between.

The result of my Saturday hacking is a complete #nix flake ❄️ for #asciinema 🎉

If you're on #nixos (or running nix elsewhere, including #macos) then you can run the latest version with:

nix run github:asciinema/asciinema

You can also enter the development shell by running (in the source code checkout):

nix develop

Identity is the enemy of change. Be extremely careful what you identify with, lest you be adverse to positive change.

'Sup dawg, we heard you like , so we put into your so that you can `nix-collect-garbage` while you `docker system prune`.

> Total reclaimed space: 28.08GB

Bird poop on one's face is the price of immortality.

Russian weekly oil refining is near an 11-month low as flooding hampers operations and repairs to plants affected by drone attacks slow down.

Earlier this year, drones targeted key Russian refineries, causing their partial or complete shutdown. There’s been no further damage during the past month, giving operators time to conduct repairs, yet the pace of recovery has slowed.

#Ukraine #Russia

Generally, limiting Ukraine from attacking Russian territory with the military aid is problematic.

Russia will never stop, as long it does not hurt them massively to contrarily to continue their little special operation.

Russia can bomb a good party of the Ukrainian territory directly from Russia.

So forbidding Ukraine to attack Russian territory is like making them fight with one hand bound on the back. Because Russia has no problem bombing Western Ukraine even if that

Earlier this month I have confirmed that is shipping electronics to .

To confirm that it's not a fluke, I have sent an E-Mail under my name posing as a commie and seems like their CEO has answered. 🤡

@EU_Commission do you have buddies in by chance? This stuff is not ok.

Went 4-3 in with a very streamlined deck that I built based on a Violet's brew.

But I got a 3-0 in draft with a very sweet deck.

2-1 vs proliferate , 2-1 vs , 2-1 vs .


do we have something to playtest? I played like twice this year.

We could playtest my adventure called ?..

cc @Whidou

The only thing that brings us together is you. When a crazy motherfucker has his finger on the trigger... And also Twitter.
We lost the whole litter. So why you bitter? Just a few escaping.
Yet we rose quicker and our blood runs thicker.
Our star shines brighter than a swastika.

And our candle still flickers.


Finally I learned where do these words that resonated with me so much on October the 7th were.

What I would really prefer to hold for , and this will be my editorial policy, is for us to never post things that aren't 100% written by humans.

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